


美式发音: [priˈempt] 英式发音: [prɪ'empt]




第三人称单数:preempts  现在分词:preempting  过去式:preempted  同义词反义词






v.1.to do or say something that stops someone elses plan or action2.to be broadcast instead of another planned program

1.以先买权取得 peremptory a 专横的,武断的 preempt v 以先买权取得;先发制人 preemption n 优先权;霸占 ...

2.先占 shorten 缩短 preempt 取代,先占 revise 修订 ...


4.占先 consign 分配 preempt 占先 sparing 节约的 ...

5.优先占有 LATCHED 锁住 PREEMPT 优先占有 STUCK 阻塞 ...

6.占先权 ... # track 1 interface f0/1 定义跟踪编号 # vrrp 1 preempt 占先权 # vrrp 1 authentication text cisco 明文认证 ...

7.优先购买 requirement 要求 preempt 优先购买 precedence 优先购买 ...

8.先发制人 peremptory a 专横的,武断的 preempt v 以先买权取得;先发制人 preemption n 优先权;霸占 ...


1.If the cards reveal things that we don't want to see, then we are prepared to prevent and preempt them, which we have the power to do.如果有时牌面上带出了我们不想看到的讯息,那我们就可以做好预备去防止或甚而先发制人。

2.If M is now triggered by an event, M will preempt L and execute for as long as it needs to.如果此时M被事件触发,M将抢占L并且执行时间取决于其需要。

3.Bill, we tried our best, but as many of you know, the Wall Street Journal managed to preempt us last week.好吧,比尔,我们尝试我们的最好,但是正如你之中的许多所知,华尔街日报设法上星期以先买权获得我们。

4.He walked hastily, but with a woman hit a full, just want to say sorry to mouth, but preempt the woman spoke up.他急急地走着,却与一个女人撞了个满怀,刚要张口说对不起,那个女人却抢先开了口。

5.Conducting covert action at the direction of the President to preempt threats or achieve US popcy objectives.秘密行动时?进行方向的先占的总统的政策目标或达到我们的威胁。

6.Earper, the Bank of China preempt and housing accumulation fund management center, first launched in Beijing this loan.此前,中国银行抢先与住房公积金管理中心合作,在北京首家推出了这项贷款。

7.Choosing poorly can allow the garbage collector to preempt your NHRTs or cause parts of your system to be starved of CPU.糟糕的选择可能会使垃圾收集器抢占您的NHRT,或导致部分系统耗尽CPU资源。

8.Screen before you, why not preempt the quick step, to allow the free flow of the pne and as you?荧屏前的你,何不快抢先一步,让自由的潮流随你而行?

9.Depositors would rush to get their savings out of the country to preempt a forced conversion to a new, weaker currency.储户可能会取走存款,逃离这个国家,以避免被强制性兑换成一种更弱的新货币。

10.For the runtime on a Solaris Operating Environment platform, Java technology does not preempt threads of the same priority.在Solaris平台上的运行环境中,相同优先级的线程不能相互抢占对方的cpu时间。