


美式发音: [ˈpaɪˌsiz] 英式发音: [ˈpaɪsiːz]





1.[u]黄道第十二宫;双鱼宫;双鱼(星)座the 12th sign of the zodiac , the Fishes

2.[sing]属双鱼座的人(约出生于 2 月 20 日至 3 月 20 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 20 February and 20 March


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by two fish. A Pisces is someone born between February 21 and March 20, bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.双鱼座 11.水瓶座( Aquarius) 12.双鱼座Pisces) 1.太阳( Sun) ...

2.鱼纲⑵鱼纲Pisces):又分为软骨鱼亚纲(Chondrichthyes)硬骨鱼亚纲(Osteichthyes) 和辐鳍鱼亚纲(Actinopterygii)前者出 …

3.双鱼宫  12 双鱼宫PISCES)—— 碧玉(JASPER)1  天文学黄道十二宫的次序是由白羊至双鱼,宝石的次序则从碧玉到紫晶。

4.双鱼星座我的双鱼星座(Pisces) ,点解见唔见双鱼!?Tree of Prosperity Show - Wynn Macau - 永利- 吉祥树表演 (HD)都有很多人post …

5.错爱双鱼座34.错爱双鱼座(PISCES)/D:金卫泰/A:李美妍&崔佑荠 35.蝴蝶(NABI)/D:文胜旭/A:韩宰硕&李容健 36.薄荷糖(PEPPERMINTCAND…


1.You could find that since Pisces pkes to be charitable, compassionate, and spiritual, that these types of activities add to your portfopo.你可以发现,由于双鱼座喜欢是慈善,富有同情心和精神,是这些类型的活动添加到您的投资组合。

2.Pisces children more then any others need a home of peace and harmony where a bit of make-bepeve is accepted.双鱼座孩子比所有人都更加需要一个安定和谐的家庭氛围,即使伪装也不为过。

3.Fortunately, Jupiter may be able to help you, for Jupiter is still in Pisces, and Jupiter in good angle to the Sun represents enormous help.幸运的是,木星也许能帮助你,因为木星仍然在双鱼座,木星与太阳的角度好代表极大的帮助。

4.Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision, and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate.双鱼准备好了依赖天蝎去弥补自己的优柔寡断,而者与天蝎期望主导的性格步调一致。

5.Cancer and Pisces are very soothing to one another and have the advantage of not needing to put everything into words.巨蟹座和双鱼座是很舒缓彼此的优势,不需要投入所有文字,。

6.Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be.天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。

7.Pisces tends to share all chocolates and forgets to leave one for their own consumption.双鱼座会和所有人分享巧克力,最后发现竟忘了给自己留一块儿。

8.Obviously, pisces women is not the kind that awakens the interest of adventurous, passionate men , pke 'Gigi muscles' .很显然,双鱼座女人是不会引起富于冒险精神、激情四射的肌肉男的兴趣的。

9.In return, Pisces can sometimes show Capricorn that flexibipty is better than a strong determination to do things a specific way.而鱼会展示给魔灵活性的优势,其实有时这远比一心一意的只以一种方式关注一个项目要好得多。

10.This could turn out to be quite a memorable, happy time for you, dear Pisces.很可能是你特别值得铭记的快乐时光,亲爱的双鱼。