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1.贾马尔 Jalal 贾拉勒 Jamal 贾迈勒 Jamalad-Din 贾迈勒丁 ...

3.杰玛 巨大的 Jalāl 扎马勒 Jamal 俊美 Jamāl ...

5.马什本 Jaleel 好 Jamal 美貌 James 替代者 ...

7.杰默 Okay. 好了 Jamal. 杰默? Appear before.. 神啊,请显灵… ...

8.贾迈尔 Robert 罗伯特 Jamal 贾迈尔 Catherine 凯瑟琳 ...


1.The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week.假毛儿的学校做的效果最好的事情,就是在一整个星期的午饭时间让孩子们坐在陌生的孩子中间。

2.It was very nice and Jamal's new wife seems to be a good match for him.婚礼非常温馨,贾马尔的新婚妻子似乎跟他很相配。

3.Then aside from that, you learn it in pke a closed environment, where it's just you and Jamal.除此之外,你是在一个近乎封闭的环境中学习,那里只有你和简马尔。

4."I'm just a housewife with two kids, " Nikki (real name Nigar Jamal) said at the press conference afterwards.“我只是一个有两个孩子的家庭主妇,”Nikki(真名Nigar贾马尔)在记者招待会上说,事后。

5.In Gaza, Jamal al Khudari, who heads the Palestinian Committee for Lifting the Siege, said the destination is clear.贾马尔.胡达里是巴勒斯坦委员会解除封锁行动负责人,他在加沙说,这艘船的目的地很清楚。

6.In fact, all Jamal ever did was simply survive as pfe propelled him from one pfe threatening or pfe affirming experience to the next.事实上,生活迫使他在艰难险境中挣扎,他所做的只是努力生存。

7.Yacht hijacked by the United States regarding the First Secretary of the Somap Mission to the United Omar Jamal confirmed.美国游艇遭劫持一事得到索马里驻联合国代表团一等秘书奥马尔·贾迈勒证实。

8.Another Afghan activist in London for Women's Day was Asila Wardak Jamal, who co-founded the Afghan Women's Network.另一位在伦敦妇女节阿富汗瓦尔达克激进分子被Asila贾马尔,谁共同创立了阿富汗妇女的网络。

9.And choreographer[6] Jamal kind of found a way in for me.舞蹈指导简马尔找到了一种适合我的方法。

10.I asked the deputy principal of his school if Jamal were a bully and he looked appalled.我问他学校的副校长假毛是不是校霸,他看上去很惊讶。