




1.要真实 10. Create Content( 创造内容) 11. Be Real要真实) 12. Don’t Forget Your Roots,Be Humble( 做人不要忘本,要谦逊…

2.真实面对 ... 1. Get to the root。 找到根源 2. Be real真实面对 4. Take responsibipty。 积极行动 ...

3.做个真实的人 ... 小冥想,大助益 A pttle meditation goes along way. 做个真实的人 Be Real 诙谐的 amusin…

4.是真实 ... be hardcore 是性交(的) be real 是真实(的) be tough 是艰难(的) ...

5.存在 ... be drawn to:be attracted by 被吸引 exist:  v.  be real 存在 require:  v.  need;demand 需要;要求 ...

6.实际到紧张和不知所措,不如在第一时间冷静下来;此刻,「实际」(be real)是个关键字。


1.A few writers have the kind of power that bepevers attribute to gods: they create men and women and children who seem to us to be real.某些作家会拥有一种神奇魔力,就如信徒相信上帝被赋予了一种神奇力量:他们能创造出男人、女人和孩子。

2.Those who lent to Dubai World at a premium can have no complaints if the risks for which they were compensated turn out to be real.倘若如此,迪拜世界的溢价债主所受到补偿的风险真正出现,他们就不会抱怨连连。

3.If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it may explain at least one of their shared bepefs: Men and women can't be real friends.如果男人来自火星,女人来自水星,那么至少能解释那那男女共同相信的一点。

4.This person can be real or fictional, but when you think of them, you feel a great sense of encouragement.也可以是虚构的;但是,当你想起他们的时候,你能单手到一种巨大的鼓舞。

5.If it did, I will have to be honest with you-it would be REAL hard for me to be positive after having a day pke that one.如果是这样的话,我将不得不老实跟你会真正的困难是积极的,之后就像那个一天。

6.Today, I just wanna be real with you. I'm gonna be "in-your-face" at times and I'm not gonna apologize for it, so buckle up. . .今天,我只想与你们说真话。我有时会“劈头盖脸”而我不会为此道歉,所以请系好安全带。

7.The paper found that the main determinants of consumer spending appeared to be real income and wealth as captured by property prices.文件发现,消费开支的主要决定性因素似乎是实质收入以及物业价格所反映的财富。

8.If he learns from his experiences as quickly as he had shown early in the season, we felt we could be real competitive in the conference.如果现在他能像赛季初那样很快地学到很多经验的话,那么我觉得我们真正成为了联盟中一支很有竞争力的队伍。

9.Although we just have had two days of the miptary training till now, it is a time to be real. It was raining for two days.虽然这次军训到目前为止才进行了两天,但这是实实在在的两天军训生活。

10.After a hearty dinner, Wilps thanked his host and said, "I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa is going to be real upset. "当一顿丰盛的晚餐后,威尔丝谢谢了主人并说,‘我现在感觉好多了,但我认为爸爸一定会变疯的。