




1.麦吉尔大学 ... 1 卡迪夫 Cardiff 432 100 1.McGill University 麦考吉大学 2.University Of British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚大学 ...


1.One of the main proponents of this hypothesis is Graham Bell of McGill University.麦吉尔大学的格雷厄姆•贝尔是这一假说的主要支持者之一。

2.Dr. Vicki Kaspi , a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst.VickiKaspi博士,McGill大学物理学教授,研究地球将在巨大的伽马射线风暴辐射下毁灭。

3.Hyde of McGill University has found that white matter is reduced in a specific fiber bundle in the right forebrain of tone-deaf individuals.发现,音痴的人右前脑特定神经纤维束的白质比一般人少。

4.Here is how Fred Genesee of McGill University describes the beginning stages of language learning.下面是麦克基尔大学的费雷德·杰纳西对语言学习开始阶段的描述。

5.BARBARA KLEIN: Houdini was resting in a private room after giving a speech at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.芭芭拉因:胡迪尼是在休息之后将在可麦基尔加拿大蒙特利尔大学演讲的私人空间。

6.In 1954, psychologist James Olds and his team were working in a laboratory at McGill University, studying how rats learned.1954年,心理学家JamesOlds和他的研究团队在麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)的实验室中研究老鼠如何学习。

7.In Montreal, QC, McGill University's School of Architecture's undergraduate program and graduate program's are all accredited.在蒙特利尔,QC,麦吉尔大学建筑学士学位课程和研究生课程的学校都认可。

8.The leader of the other study was Madhukar Pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.另一项研究的负责人是加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学流行病学家MadhukarPai。

9.John H. White worked in the laboratory at McGill University investigating the molecular activities of vitamin D in human cells.怀特在加拿大马吉尔大学的实验室工作,研究维生素D在人类细胞中的分子活动。

10."Take Somapa for instance, " said Samson in a McGill University press release.“以(非洲)索马里为例,”麦吉尔大学的萨姆森进行说明。