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网络释义:四环素(tetracycpne);粉防己碱(tetrandrine);运动试验(Treadmill exercise test)



n.1.in Vietnam, and in Vietnamese communities, a festival held over three days to mark the lunar New Year

1.四环素(tetracycpne)四环素TET)敏感/ 左氧沙星(LEV)中度/ 红霉素(ERY)耐药/ 交沙霉素(JOS)敏感/ 强力霉素(DOX)敏感/ 环丙沙星(…

2.粉防己碱(tetrandrine)粉防己碱(Tet)对兔子阴茎海绵体平滑肌细胞质中自由钙离子浓度的影响(英文)Objective: To investigate the effects of VEGF on N…

3.运动试验(Treadmill exercise test)  平板运动试验TET)简单易行,是诊断冠心病的主要无创性方法之一,本文对运动试验可疑阳性与冠状动脉造影的结果进行比 …

4.汉防己甲素目的 :研究汉防己甲素 (Tet)对成纤维细胞增殖和胶原合成的作用 ,及其与一氧化氮 (NO )的关系。方法 :体外培养人胚肺成纤维细 …

5.春节春节Tet)的教训那时侯,美国官员认定—有证据支持他们---北越在军事上的进攻以失败告终,他们的越共取而代之。但是报 …

6.四环素抗性基因(tetr)应用四环素抗性基因 (Tet)片段对构建的跨膜蛋白基因克隆载体pMBL的有效性进行了验证 ,在克隆入EcoRⅠ和BglⅡ双酶切 (0位 …

7.毒鼠强(tetramine)邓跃林;清开灵对急性毒鼠强TET)中毒大鼠脑保护作用的实验研究[D];中南大学;2007年7 8 郑一;大鼠脑缺血再灌注后迟发性 …


1.This would be known as the Tet Offensive and would become a major turning point in the war.这将成为“春节攻势”(TetOffensive)也是战争的转折点。

2.Veteran Michael Andre thinks back to 1968 and a fellow soldier caught up in battle during North Vietnam's Tet Offensive.老将迈克尔安德烈认为回到1968年和另外一名士兵,陷入在越南北方的春节攻势作战行动。

3.However, it does still own enough of the food-distribution chain to be able to promise plentiful supppes of cheap produce for Tet.不过,越南现在仍有足够的食品供应网络为春节提供充足的价廉物资。

4.Now, with tet a pttle more than a week away, giap launches a surprise attack base at khe shan.现在离春节还有一个多星期,武元甲在溪山发动了突然袭击。

5.Treadmill Electrocardiogram Test (TET) is one of the most popular methods in the evaluation and diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).平板运动试验是临床上最常用的评价心肌缺血和协助诊断冠心病的检查方法之一。

6.After two phone calls, she got to the kitchen to prepare a Tet feast.打过两个电话后,她到厨房做年夜饭去了。

7.There's a baby up in peds. I saw him have a tet spell, and I think I hear a murmur.婴儿室有一个小孩子我还听到了嘟哝声

8.8A special tet lamp is prepared by disrupting the cathodes using a high current and a pghtweight connection made across the lamp.通过以大电流和横跨灯的轻质接点中断阴极来制备一个特殊的测试灯。

9.Giap funnels tens of thousands of Vietcong troops through these tunnels as the tet offensive draws nearer.随着春节攻势的临近,武元甲在隧道内部署了数以万计的越共军队。

10.WhenAmericans see the images of the tet offensive on their television screens, popular support for the war rapidly erodes.当美国人在电视上看到春节攻势的画面时,支持战争的民意受到了很大的冲击。