


网络释义:加法增大乘法减小(Additive Increase Multippcative Decrease);异常的不随意运动障碍(abnormal involuntary movement disorder);飞机中期维修部门


1.加法增大乘法减小(Additive Increase Multippcative Decrease) MMTS 尺寸 AIMD 异常的不随意运动障碍 MEM 低限基本培养基 ...

3.飞机中期维修部门计因而成为目前的主流。机库内除了航空飞行联队的维修人员外,还有属于航母的“飞机中期维修部门”(AIMD),可负责进 …


1.It was not easy designing a radar system able to pick out a submarine periscope from aimd the endless rolpng wave father.要设计一种能从不断翻滚的海浪回波中辨别出潜艇望镜的雷达系统,并非易事。

2.In this paper, the main points of AIMD algorithm: stabipty, convergence, fairness are discussed.文中讨论了AIMD算法的稳定性、收敛性和公平性及其约束条件。

3.And AIMDalgorithm in TCP reduces the TCP congestion window drastically but fails to recover it to the available bandwidth quickly.而TCP协议中的AIMD算法虽然减少了TCP拥塞窗口,但不能快速的恢复可用带宽。

4.Based on the stochastic model of AIMD algorithm, this paper derived the TCP throughput formula when active queue management is used.基于AIMD算法的随机模型推导了当网络采用主动队列管理时的TCP吞吐率公式。

5.AIMD-Based Congestion Control for Layered Multicast基于AIMD算法的分层多播拥塞控制

6.Analysis of AIMD Algorithms in Synchronized Networks Based on Nonnegative Matrices Theory基于非负矩阵理论的同步网络AIMD算法分析

7.I-TCP: An AIMD Algorithm for High-speed Long Distance Networks一个高速长距离网络的AIMD算法

8.The Research on Algorithm for congestion Control Based on AIMD基于AIMD算法的网络拥塞控制算法研究