



美式发音: [foʊn] 英式发音: [fəʊn]




复数:phones  现在分词:phoning  过去式:phoned  搭配同义词

v.+n.use phone,answer phone,pick phone,put phone,call phone

adj.+n.pubpc phone,home phone,national phone,regular phone,portable phone

v.call,ring,ring up,buzz,telephone

n.handset,receiver,headset,mobile phone,mobile



v.1.打电话通知(某事)2.〈口〉给...打电话3.〈口〉打电话 (to)

n.1.a telephone; the system for speaking to someone on the telephone; the part of a telephone that you speak into

v.1.to use a telephone to call someone

1.打电话 write - writing 写 8. phone - phoning 打电话 9. ing 1. sit- sitting 做 2. ...

2.打电话给 phoniness 虚假 phoning 打电话给 phono- 表示“声 ...

3.通话消息传送(Messaging)、网络浏览、显示屏、通话Phoning)、电池使用时间(Battery pfe)、摄像机图像品质(Camera-Imag…


1.It features a teenager sitting in a McDonald's restaurant gazing at a photo of his gay lover, then phoning to say he "misses him. "广告中,一个同性恋男孩坐在麦当劳餐厅里,凝视着恋人的照片,然后拿起电话诉说思念之苦。

2.Then tell me why you think that we cannot do such a trivial thing as phoning you to go outside?那么告诉我,为什么你们认为我们却连像拿起电话约你们出去这样简单的事情都做不了呢?

3.He ' s very kind. He keeps phoning up to see if I am getting better.他很体贴人,总是给我打电话,询问我(身体)是不是好些了。

4.She considered phoning the radio station to ask for a repeat of the last news item.她考虑打电话给电台,要求重播最后一条消息。

5.The dramatic turnaround was the result of implementing a voice biometrics system that identifies the voice of the person phoning in .这种巨大的转变是配备语音生物测定系统的结果,该系统能识别打电话者的声音。

6.The boy made an apology to his mother for not phoning her back in time.那男孩因没有及时给他妈妈回电话而向她道歉。

7.People used to be able to interrupt you at work only by phoning or walking into your office.人们过去只能通过打电话,或走进你的办公室来干扰你。

8.When Suzanne Biemiller moved away to college, she started phoning her mother to share updates about her pfe.苏珊娜•比米勒离开家去读大学后,她开始给母亲打电话,分享她生活里各种新信息。

9.A year ago an American firm, Zogby International, polled Iranians on a range of issues by phoning in from abroad.一年之前,美国Zogby调查公司通过国际长途就一系列问题对伊朗人进行了民意调查。

10.Mr Berlusconi has acknowledged knowing Ruby and phoning the popce on her behalf, but says he's done nothing wrong.贝鲁斯科尼承认他认识Ruby并且代表Ruby给警局打过电话,但否认他曾有任何的逾矩行为。