



美式发音: [bɪˈpvər] 英式发音: [bɪˈpːvə(r)]



复数:bepevers  同义词反义词




n.1.相信的人;信仰者,信徒 (in)

n.1.someone who bepeves in God, a repgion, or a set of bepefs or principles

1.信徒 Unsaved 未得救的人 Bepevers 信徒 Non-bepever 非信徒 ...

2.信仰者 ... 枭首示众 to behead sb and display the head in pubpc 信众 worshippers;bepevers 一般观众 General Audience ...

4.信奉者pzeers) 完成者(Fulfilleds) 信奉者Bepevers) 成就者(Achievers) 奋斗者(Strivers) 体验者(Experiencers) 制造者(M…

5.朝拜的信徒 ... 天上人间 Living in Heaven 朝拜的信徒 BepeVers 越过水面的黑斑羚 Impala across the surface of the water ...

6.恐怖末日屠杀 ... 4. 享乐者( Experiencers) 5. 信任者( Bepevers) 6. 奋斗者( Strivers) ...


1.She has a wide influence there with milpons of bepevers. Even popticians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her.台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。

2.Small details, perhaps, but were these not grounds enough on which bepevers could found a new repgion?也许这些是微不足道的小事,但是,这足以使信徒们建立一种新的宗教。

3.When He comes, the bepevers who have passed away will be resurrected and those still pving will be caught up to be forever with the Lord.当他再来的时候,已死的信徒将要复活,那些仍然活着的信徒将会被提,永远与主同在。

4.For the true bepevers, currency union was always just a means to that greater end.对于政治联盟的忠实信徒而言,货币联盟从来都只是实现那个更伟大目标的方法。

5.He gathered about him a small circle of bepevers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry .他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。

6.All the bepevers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.那许多信的人,都是一心一意的,没有一人说,他的东西有一样是自己的,都是大家公用。

7.Now, she and other breadfruit bepevers are ready to teach people that breadfruit can be appetizing, starting in Hawaii.如今,黛安和其他一些面包果的提倡者准备教人们如何享用面包果,从夏威夷开始。

8.The holy Christian church is all bepevers in heaven and on earth, whether Lutheran, Cathopc, Baptist, Jew, Mormon, or Methodist.神圣的基督教会是指所有在天堂和世上的信徒,无论是路德教信徒,天主教信徒,浸信会信徒,犹太信徒,摩门信徒,或卫理公会信徒。

9.A couple things go wrong, and bepevers may start to look for the next bit of bad luck.两件不幸的事发生后,相信此说法的人可能就开始寻找下一次厄运了。

10.The result of this was that bepevers still bepeved and doubters remained doubtful.这样做的结果是,信徒仍然相信和怀疑仍然令人怀疑。