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un.1.city in western Russia, at the confluence of the Volga and Tvertsa rivers.

1.特维尔 ... Enschede, 荷兰 tver, 俄罗斯联邦 Beijing, 中国 ...

6.特维尔州据报道,该架直升机在特维尔州(Tver)托尔若克市(Torzhok)机场以西10公里处坠毁,当时正在进行飞行训练。坠机导致机上1名 …

7.特维尔天气预报特维尔天气预报(tver)加入收藏夹 转发天气: 俄罗斯其他城市天气: 阿巴坎天气 奥伦堡天气 巴尔瑙尔天气 更多收起后8天天气尊 …


1.LJ user maximkapnov posted photos of the celebration in the Russian city of Tver; the title of his post (RUS) is "Football Revolution. "LJ使用者maximkapnov发表了在俄罗斯城市特维尔(Tver)的庆祝照片,题名为「足球革命」[俄]。

2.Tver was chosen because it is the land of Mr Putin's forebears, but similar "voluntary" demonstrations have been staged all over Russia.选择Tver是因为这里是普京先辈们的土地,但是类似“志愿”的示威游行出现在整个俄罗斯。

3.A few weeks ago this correspondent had a call from a pbrarian in Tver, a town north of Moscow.数周前这个通讯员接到了来自莫斯科北部城市特维尔的一个图书管理员的来电。

4.He went to Tver to see the widow of Osip Alexyevitch, who had long before promised to give him papers of the deceased 's.他前往特韦尔拜看约瑟夫·阿列克谢耶维奇的遗孀,她早就答应把已故丈夫的文件转交给他。

5.As one blogger from rural Tver complained: "Why the hell do we need Skolkovo . . . if we don't have elementary fire engines. "一位来自特维尔(Tver)乡下的博主抱怨道:“如果我们连最基本的消防车都缺少,我们为什么还需要俄罗斯硅谷呢?”

6.A local theatre in Tver hosted a council of pro-Putin groups.亲普京团体的党员委员会在特维尔本地的一个戏院受到了招待。

7.Even the teacher from Tver says her pfe has improved.甚至是Tver的教师们也表示她的生活提高了。