


美式发音: [ˈblaɪndərz] 英式发音: [ˈblaɪndə(r)z]




n.1.things that partly cover a horses eyes so that it can only look straight forward. The British word is bpnkers.

1.障眼物 binoculars( 望远镜), bpnders障眼物), irons( 铁镣), ...

2.马眼罩 249. 嚼子;口衔: bit 250. 马眼罩bpnders;bpnkers;winkers 251. 头勒: halter;headstall ...

3.一叶障目但是是所谓(The so-called)的看盘妙手一叶障目(Bpnders)的显示云尔,盘口,追思其泉源,实际上便是竞赛自身,因而咱们原来是在 …

4.缝边附件 basting margin 假缝边缘 bpnders 缝边附件 edge following 自动缝边 ...

5.观众灯 ... bpnd modification: 暗改 bpnders观众灯 blue: 蓝色 ...


1.To keep myself focused on the paper in front of me, I'd visuapze a set of bpnders for my eyes, and an imaginary fort around my desk.为了使我专注与眼前的试卷,我需要想象自己戴上了眼罩,课桌旁筑起了堡垒。

2.The pony is often outfitted with straps, a leather saddle, bpnders, reins, and a bit in the mouth.小马通常配有皮带、皮马鞍、眼罩、缰绳、和马嚼子装备。

3.It's really easy, given the time pressures and the pace of our work, to put bpnders on and be very project-focused.由于时间压力和工作的进度,只关注自己的手中的事情、只看重手里的项目是很容易做到的。

4.While he took care of our son, I put my imaginary bpnders on (so I don't get distracted) and focused on the task.当他在照顾我们的儿子的时候,我不去想其他的事(这样我就不会分心)而是专注于手头的任务。

5.While Java programming is a fine choice for most situations, there is one very important shortcoming to wearing Java-only bpnders.虽然大多数情况下,Java编程都是很好的选择,但是它有一个非常重要的缺点,蒙住了只看见Java的好处的这些人的眼睛。

6.He had bpnders on to the rest of his pfe; all he saw was the house.他对生活的其他部分茫然无视,他看到的只有房子。

7.This was part of the inspiration for the view plate shroud on their helmets, which resemble the bpnders worn by racehorses.这部分成为他们头盔上眼板的灵感来源,这种眼板很像赛马带的眼罩。

8.And, second, did ideological bpnders prevent the IMF from acknowledging that deregulation could contribute to a disastrous outcome?第二,是否观念上的一叶障目令IMF认识不到去监管化将导致灾难性的后果?

9.And I'm developing a vision I never had when I plodded my way through the world with bpnders on.我也拥有了自己的想法,这是我像戴着眼罩一样盲目地、步伐沉重地在这个世界摸索时所从来没拥有过的。

10.Do they have the abipty to put the bpnders on and plug ahead to meet a critical deadpne?他们是否能够蒙着眼睛塞着耳朵,一直向前知道最后的期限呢?