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na.1.The variant of Roderic

1.罗德里克 阿图尔 Artur 罗德里克 Roderick 路易辛霍 Luisinho ...

2.罗得里克 Rod 罗德 Roderick 罗得里克 Rodney 罗德尼 ...

3.罗德瑞克 208.ROD 罗德 209.RODERICK 罗德瑞克 210.ROLAND 罗监得 ...

4.著名的统治者 14.Rock 英语 15.Roderick 著名的统治者 16.Rodman 有名的 ...

5.罗德理克 摩根( Morgan) 诺迪尼( Roderick) 巴克( Puck) ...


1.RODERICK Patience, Mr Adams. If you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you have?别着急,亚当斯先生,如果你不介意,我想知道你还有多少钱?

2.Roderick struggled to stand up and flung his arm around Percy's shoulder as they headed for the door.罗德里克挣扎着站起来,周围珀西的肩膀,扑向他的手臂,他们向门口走去。

3.Roderick: (reaching out for the check) Mr. Horace, according to our convention, now it's the time for you to return the check.罗德里克:(伸手出拿支票)霍勒斯先生,按照我们的约定,现在是你归还支票的时候了。

4.Percy sighed heavily. Roderick had wasted all their money on opium and he could barely find enough to eat.珀西深深地叹了口气。罗德里克浪费了所有的钱鸦片,他几乎无法找到足够的食物。

5.Summer has just started a few days, brother Roderick Gray played a practical joke.暑假刚开始没几天,哥哥罗德里克对格雷搞了一个恶作剧。

6.Roderick and Opver, this absurd gamble is set up by you, for the punishment, you must pay all the money Horace has spent this month.罗德里克和奥利弗,这个荒诞的赌局是你们设的,在为处罚,你们必须支付霍勒斯这一个月所有的花费。

7.Prof Roderick Smith of the Royal Academy of Engineering at Imperial College identified these resource imppcations of economic doubpng.帝国理工学院皇家学术工程部的RoderickSmith教授认识到了经济翻倍的资源后果。

8.We were joined by Roderick Hawkins, director of communications for the Chicago Urban League.和我们一起去的还有芝加哥城市联盟的总监罗德里克霍金斯。

9.RODERICK I wonder, Mr Adams, if you'd mind us asking a few questions.亚当斯先生,不知你是否介意我们问你一些问题?

10.Roderick: the judge. I'm sorry. The news in the newspaper is false. The check is true, it is ours!罗德里克:法官大人。我很抱歉。报纸上的消息是假的。支票是真的,是我们的!