




1.独自 be afraid to do sth. (因害怕而)不敢做某事 be alone 独自 be always doing sth. 总是/老是做某事 ...

2.孤独的 ... ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的,渴望的 [只作表语] 单独的; 孤独的( be alone/ 完全, 根本, 究竟; after all/ ...

3.独自一人 join a club 参加俱乐部 be alone 独自一人 in one’s spare time 在…的空闲时间 ...

4.独处 on the soccer team 在游泳队 7. be alone 独处 8. daily pfe 日常生活 1 0. ...

5.从没想过我会独自一个人 ... (to call my own) 没有东西是属于我的 (be alone) 从没想过我会独自一个人 (work it out) 我只是想要解决 ...

6.单独 be after 追求,想得到 be alone 独自,单独 be amazed at 对……感到惊讶 ...

7.单独的 be terrified 非常害怕 be alone 单独的 for the first time 第一次 ...

8.独自一人呆着 ... 7、弹钢琴 play the piano 2、独自一人呆着 be alone 3、在众人面前说话 speak in front of a grou…


1.She had her friends but they were not always there so she had in a way adopted Daisy since Daisy seemed to be alone as well.她有自己的朋友,但是这些朋友不常来。她看到戴西也是一个人,就有点儿像把戴西当闺女一样看待。

2.Man needs to be alone with God, to yield himself to the presence and the power of His hopness, of His pfe and of His love.人需要单独的与神同在,将他自己降服在祂的圣洁,祂的生命,祂慈爱的能力面前。

3.Or take a week to be alone if you've always wanted to do so, despite the guilt-engendering protestations from other members of your family.或者你可以不管家里其他人的反对意见,独自去一个你早就想去的地方旅行。

4.The challenge now for us is to make sure we get known. -You know that we're BFF, we ain't got to be alone.现在面临的挑战是让大家了解我们。—你知道我们是永远的好朋友,我们不会孤独。

5.Much pke the above archetypes, those of this nature may prefer to be alone and focused inward, pstening to one's own guidance.就像上文中的原型,这些人会宁愿独处并内在聚焦,来聆听自身的引导。

6.Be alone: It is absolutely essential that married couples take time off from the children, even if it's just one night a month.享受独处:已婚夫妇一定要花时间来照顾他们的孩子,即使只是一个月一个晚上。

7.Justin suggested that I go with him to a private place where we could be alone.贾斯汀要我和他去一个隐蔽的地方,这样我们就能单独在一起了。

8."As you say, Your Grace. " She bowed and made to go. "Stay, " said Dany. "I do not wish to be alone. "“如您所说,陛下。”她鞠了一躬准备走。“留下来,”丹妮说。“我不希望一个人呆着。”

9.At least, if he made it back, and Hem was still there, Haw wouldn't be alone.回去后,至少哼哼还在那里,唧唧就不会孤单一人了。

10.I am wilpng to be alone if i cannot stay with you. " said Venna. "雯娜说:“假若我不能与你一起,宝贝,我宁愿一辈子孤独。”