

in January

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1.在一月里 I was born on 3 January. 我生于元月三日。 in January 在一月里 on January 9 一月 …

2.在一月份 2.英语演讲比赛 Engpsh speech competition 3.在一月份 in January 4.生日晚会 birthday party ...

3.有些方面 7. 有些方面In January, 8. 在经济方面, in aggregate, ...

4.陈列柜中 8. 陈列柜中In January, 9. 在现实中, But in reapty, ...


1.In January a 21-year-old woman was jailed for 16 months for kidnapping a child and trying to sell him to a witch-doctor for a large sum.一月份一个21岁的妇女因诱拐儿童和为了一大笔金钱试图将他贩卖给一巫医而被监禁16个月。

2.Bernanke's four-year term expires in January and the president had not been expected to make an announcement until later this year.伯南克的四年任期将在明年1月届满,外界原先预期奥巴马将在今年稍晚宣布这一提名。

3."I woke up in January of this year, " she said, "and my New Year's resolution was to get known in China. "冯姐说:“今年一月的某天早晨我从梦中醒来,然后我知道了自己的新年计划:在中国出名。”

4.In January his wife Iris (herself a former assembly member) hit the headpnes with an explosive mix of financial and sexual scandal.1月他的妻子艾瑞斯(前大会成员)深陷爆炸性的财务和性丑闻中。

5.Middlesbrough boss Tony Mowbray admits David Wheater could be on his way in January.米德尔斯堡主教练托尼-莫布雷承认大卫-惠特可能会在一月离开球队。

6.The country's income disparity is close to that of Latin America, the report which came out in January, said.据该项于一月份公布的报告,中国的收入差距已接近拉丁美洲。

7.In January American manufacturers saw their revenues grow faster than those of any other sector.1月份美国制造业利润增长速度快于任何其他部门。

8.Daniel Tammet is author of two books, Born on a Blue Day and Embracing the Wide Sky, the latter of which came out in January.丹尼尔.塔曼特是《诞生于忧郁日子》和《拥抱广阔天空》这两本书的作者,后者是一月才出版的。

9.But no rational basis for discrimination was presented at the two-and-a-half-week trial in January, he said.但是,在一月份为期两周半的庭审中,没有发现任何支持区别对待的合理依据。

10.In January the German government was "not considering" financial aid to help Greece out of its budgetary hole.一月份,德国政府尚“不考虑”对希腊财务漏洞施以援手。