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网络释义:采购经理人指数(Purchase Management Index);制造业采购经理人指数(Purchasing Managers Index);制造业采购经理指数



1.采购经理人指数(Purchase Management Index)国采购经理人指数(PMI)的继续上升表明﹐工业生产正在加速。8月份采购经理人指数从7月份的53.3上升到54﹐也标志著该指数 …

2.制造业采购经理人指数(Purchasing Managers Index)与制造业采购经理人指数PMI)回升势头一致,9月份汇丰中国服务业PMI也升至四个月最高位,分项指数中新订单及预期指 …

3.制造业采购经理指数区制造业采购经理指数PMI)维持46.5不变,但德国的PMI指数,则跌至6个月低位,由50.6降至48.8,跌穿50的分界线,中 …

4.中国制造业采购经理指数当中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)连续3个月保持在50%的分水岭之上时,市场各方普遍认为,这表明我国经济正在复苏,而这 …

5.美国项目管理协会(Project Management Institute)在美国项目管理协会PMI)出版的《项目管理知识体系指南》2000版中曾将项目管理的知识体系分为九大部分,其中将项目 …



1.The HSBC reading was the lowest in a year, reflecting relatively lacklustre demand in domestic and foreign markets.汇丰中国制造业PMI为一年内最低,反映出国内外市场需求相对疲弱。

2.But a low PMI is often a false signal, as is the gap between new orders and inventories.但是,一个偏低的PMI往往是一个虚假信号,新订单与库存之间的差距也是如此。

3.HSBC economist Qu Hongbin said the reading confirmed that 'China is moderating rather than melting down. '汇丰银行(HSBC)经济学家屈宏斌说,PMI指数证实,中国经济正转趋温和,而不是快要完蛋。

4.Prior to the big show we have retail sales out of the EU, Switzerland, and Germany, as well as UK PMI and GDP out of the Euro Zone.在此之前,我们将看到欧盟、瑞士以及德国零售销售;英国采购经理人指数还有欧元区GDP。

5.PMI shall be Performed for all alloy materials used for Pressure Vessels, shell and Tube Exchangers, Towers.所有合金材料制的压力容器,管壳式换热器,塔等应实施

6.Indeed, an HSBC PMI on services had indicated growth in the sector slowed down in November from October.的确,汇丰银行的PMI数值中有关服务领域的数据已显示11月这一领域的增长放缓始于10月份。

7.The PMI perspective omits one side of the coin from consideration, calpng "heads" when there just has to be a tails and an edge there, too.PMI的观点考虑时忽略了硬币的一面,在硬币背面朝上甚至直立时,仍在喊“正面”。

8.Each PMI data type has dynamic value(s) that may be updated over time, as well as static configuration information that will not change.每个PMI数据类型都有随时间刷新的动态值和不变的静态配置信息。

9.The PMI developed one of the most all-encompassing PM frameworks (PMP) and provides several levels of project management certifications.PMI开发了最全面的PM框架之一(PMP),并且提供了许多等级的项目管理认证。

10.Currently not volunteering for any other PMI committee, component, project, etc.目前不是其他任何PMI委员会,组成或者项目等等的志愿者。