





3.老板是空气ket Science)2CD[DVDRip] 《老板是空气》(Bartleby)[DVDRip] 《西郊风流韵事》(The West Wittering Affair )[DVDRip] 《办 …

4.巴托比 ... grebetpc( 阿比) bartleby( 拖把) duck5940( 鸭子) ...

6.巴特尔比 Billy Budd 《比利·巴德》1924 Bartleby巴特尔比》 Benito Cereno 《贝尼托· …

7.参考网 ... Carfax 汽车历史纪录查询 详细 Bartleby 参考网 详细 LoveLogger 情侣博客 详细 ...


1.Let's see, the problem here is. . . one of my workers named Bartleby will not do some of the things I ask him to do.让我看看,问题在这里…我的一个员工名字是巴特利拜不做我让他做的一些事情。

2.When I entered my office later, I found a message for me. Bartleby had been taken to prison.之后当我进入我的办公室,我发现一个给我的便条。巴特利拜已经被送进了监狱。

3.I paid some men to move all the office furniture to another place. Bartleby just stood there as the men took his chair away.我花了一些人,将所有的办公家具到另一个地方。巴特只是站在那里的人把他的椅子了。

4.Well, poor Bartleby had to read the letters, to see if anyone's name was written clearly so they could be sent.哦,可怜的巴特开始看信,看是否任何人的名字写清楚,以便他们可以被发送。

5.I often felt a charitable prompting to call at the place and see poor Bartleby .我常感到慈悲为怀,应该到那儿去一趟,看看可怜的巴特比。

6.At the period just preceding the advent of Bartleby, I had two persons AS copyists in my employment, and a promising lad AS an office-boy.就在巴特比光临之前的一段时间里,我已经雇用了两个人任抄写员,一个有出息的孩子当听差。

7.I answered nothing more. I fled. I rode around the city and visited places of historic interest, anything to get Bartleby off my mind.我回答而已。我逃到。我骑着各地市,并参观历史名胜,什么都下车巴特比我的脑海。

8.At eleven o'clock each morning, one of the men would bring Bartleby some ginger cakes.在每天早上十一点,其中一人将带来巴特一些生姜蛋糕。

9.On the sixth day, somewhat hopefully, I looked into the office Bartleby used. He was still there.到了第六天,有点希望,我看着巴特所使用的办公室。他还在那儿。

10."But I didn't put you here, Bartleby. " I was deeply hurt. I told him I gave the prison guard money to buy him a good dinner.“但是我没有把你来这里,巴特。”我被深深的伤害。我告诉他我给了狱卒的钱给他买一个好晚餐。