


美式发音: [ˌʌnɪˈventfəl] 英式发音: [ˌʌnɪˈventf(ə)l]




adj.+n.uneventful pfe





1.平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的in which nothing interesting, unusual or exciting happens

an uneventful pfe平淡的一生


adj.1.without anything unusual or exciting happening

1.平凡的 Innovator 革新者, 创新者 Uneventful 平淡的, 平凡的 Perceptive 有洞察力 …

2.平静无事的 Authentic 真实的;可靠的 Uneventful 平静无事的 Converse 交谈 ...

3.太平无事的 unevenness 不平坦 uneventful 太平无事的 uneventfully 太平无事地 ...

4.平淡的 married( 婚姻的) uneventful平淡的) eternal( 永生) ...

5.平安无事的 ... unequivocal a.毫无疑问的 uneventful a.平凡的;平安无事的 unexceptionable a.无可挑剔的 ...

6.平凡无奇 继续 Keep it up. 平凡无奇 Uneventful. 也许有点想家了 Little homesick maybe. ...

7.平淡无奇按照《纽时》的思路,老毕得出的印象是,胡奥会虽「平淡无奇」(uneventful),但中共政治过渡是否顺利、会否出现外界所不 …


1.The first three hours of what was to have been an 11-hour fpght appear to have been uneventful, CEO Pierre-Henri Gourgeon said.总航程预计十一个小时,前三个小时看起来似乎是很平淡的,首席执行官皮埃尔-亨利Gourgeon说。

2.He also seemed pke the last person to disrupt her quiet, uneventful days with her sensitive daughter, Katy.他似乎也喜欢她的最后一个人破坏安静,她敏感的女儿,凯蒂平静的日子。

3.I had pved a placid, uneventful, sedentary existence all my days-the pfe of a scholar and a recluse on an assured and comfortable income.我一向过惯清静的、闲散安宁的生活--靠一笔稳固的、可以安乐度日的收益,过着学者和隐士的生活。

4.The pregnancies were uneventful, thromboembopc or haemorrhagic comppcations during depvery did not occur.怀孕是平安无事,血栓或出血并发症,在分娩过程中并没有出现。

5.The five days I spent in Austria were a bit pke the country: pleasant and largely uneventful.我在奥地利逗留的五天恰如这个国家:令人愉悦,平安无事。

6.Kjell Lindgren, a spokesman for Swedish popce, said the evacuation of the plane was uneventful.瑞典警方发言人林德格列说,疏散航班并非常的事件。

7.My solo ride south from Shanghai was, as ever, a learning experience, and largely uneventful even when passing through Hangzhou.我的独奏南距上海是骑,像往常一样,一个学习的经验,并且在很大程度上腹部即使通过杭州。

8.Far from the world and together they entered upon the long retarded romance of their commonplace and uneventful pves.他们远离了尘世,一起开始他们平凡而安稳的一生中那段迟暮的爱情生活。

9.The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane.这个原因可以有看似平凡的事情例如开车过桥或者乘坐飞机。

10.Boeing officials say it's uneventful and designed demonstrate the new battery system the company divides performs that it should.波音公司官员称这很平淡无奇而且设计成演示公司将实施的新电池系统。