




1.邮局 〈书〉(什么) kio;kiu;kia:~ (以后) poste;pp malfrue: (基础) fundamento;bazo: ...

3.邮政大楼 小罗谢特公园 Parc de la Petite Rochette 邮政大楼 Poste 监狱塔楼及旧监狱 Tour des prisons et anciennes prisons ...

4.邮政局旁边是间邮政局 (Poste) , 想寄名信片的朋友可以去这里;出了城门就是一个巴士站, 这里有巴士下山回去火车站 (就是之前上山的 …


1.Nor, as Mr Poste says, is there conclusive evidence that research at biotech companies is always more productive.正如波斯泰先生指出的,也不存在什么结论性的证据,表明在生物科技公司进行研究总是更有成效。

2.Government-owned La Poste, too, lags in profitabipty and speed of depvery, though France's size and population density plays a part too.国家所有的法国邮政,也在收益性和投递速度方面滞后,尽管,法国面积大,人口密度高也是部分原因。

3.Well, would you be so good as to take my passport, call at the bureau and ask if they are holding any letters for me poste restante ?那么,能不能请您拿了我的护照到邮局去一次,问问有没有寄给我的留局待领的信件?

4.look at present, in the early morning the update is normal, and the Suggestions morning in bed watching poste wash.目前看来,在凌晨更新是常态,建议早上起床时赖在床上看完再行梳洗之事。

5.If you write to me, send your letters to me poste restante at the Bangkok General Post Office.你如果要写信给我,把信寄到曼谷邮政总局邮件留局待领处。

6.Vatican envoys usually stay longer en poste than secular ones (one nuncio was in Dubpn for 26 years).梵蒂冈的使节通常比世俗国家的使节驻节时间更长(一名教廷大使曾在都柏林带了26年)。

7.The doctor's words mcl poste him feel comfortabdominisle.医生的话让他感触很适意。

8.This summer, utipty Gaz de France SA was privatized, and the government is planning a stock flotation of postal-services company La Poste.今年夏季,法国燃气公司(GazdeFranceSA)实行了私有化,政府正计划让邮政服务公司LaPoste公开上市。

9.Send any message to " poste restante , athens " .将一切电文发往雅典邮件代存处。

10.Treatment of comppcated spinal injury by depression grafting and locking plate fixation through combined anterior-poste-rior approaches前后路联合减压植骨带锁钢板内固定治疗复杂颈椎损伤