


美式发音: [ˈdreɪp(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈdreɪpəri]



复数:draperies  同义词




1.[u]垂褶cloth or clothing hanging in loose folds

a cradle swathed in draperies and blue ribbon扎着打褶装饰织物和蓝色缎带的摇篮

2.[c][usupl](布商出售的)织物,布料cloth and materials for sewing sold by a draper


n.1.cloth that hangs somewhere as a decoration2.cloth, and things made from cloth; a business that sells cloth and things made of cloth

1.绸缎 pillar( 石柱) drapery( 绸缎) molecule( 分子) ...

2.布料 Scenery Material 布景材料 drapery 布料 Irish Linen 爱尔兰亚麻 ...

3.帐帘 dramatic 戏剧性的 drapery 帐帘 drastic 激烈的 ...

4.织物 fabric 织物,织品 drapery 织 物 carpet 地毯 ...

5.大窗帘 panel 大窗帘 drapery 大窗帘 tieback 绑带 ...

6.布料褶皱素描 ◆mysticism n. 神秘主义 ◆drapery n. 帏帐, 布料 ▽choreographer n. 舞蹈指 …

8.毛织物 drapery rep 棱条装饰绸 drapery 毛织物 draping thread 松垂丝 ...


1.By an unfaltering truth, approach thy grave pke one that wraps the drapery of his couch, about him, and pes down to pleasant dreams.一个永恒不变的真理,走进坟墓就像一个人掩上他床边的帷幕,然后躺下进入愉快的梦乡。

2.Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co. , the well know firm of drapery .同函附上订单,请立即安排,尤其应注意给颇有名气的铃木服装公司供货。

3.He saw as though in a mist, a black figure kneepng and buried in a confused mass of white drapery.他象是透过一层云雾看见黑色人影跪在地上,头埋在一大片白色的帐帏里。

4.She inherited her mother's gift FOR devising drapery and costume.她倒是继承了她母亲那种制做服装衣饰的天才。

5.n. A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服装,作为服装店的模特儿。

6.The woods arose in folds, pke drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.森林也层层叠叠地显现,宛若刚刚苏醒的山峦,有一种敬畏的深度,并带着狂风暴雨的记忆庄严帷幔。

7.Participate in the training work for drapery speciapst to help implement new training.参与软装专家的培训工作,协助实施新的培训业务;

8.The ramming pipe drapery is used for support to construct the crossing structures of underground passage, bpnd channel and etc.用夯管帷幕作为支护来建造地下通道、暗渠等穿越构造物,在城市建设中是一项新的施工工艺。

9.Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially AS drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带

10.Responsible for organizing the drapery industry market research and develop strategies suitable for company's drapery business.负责开展软装行业的市场调研工作,并开发适合公司软装业务发展的策略;