


美式发音: [ˈkrʌsti] 英式发音: ['krʌsti]




比较级:crustier  最高级:crustiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.crusty bread





1.有硬皮的;有外壳的having a hard outer layer

fresh crusty bread新鲜的脆皮面包

2.(informal)脾气坏的;易发怒的bad-tempered; easily irritated

a crusty old man脾气暴躁的老人


1.(informal)居无定所抗拒传统的人a person who usually has no permanent home, has a dirty or untidy appearance, and rejects the way that most people pve in Western society


adj.1.crusty bread is covered with a hard crust2.easily annoyed

1.硬壳 图-144“战马”( Charger) 图-134“硬壳”( Crusty) 图-114“楔子”( Cleat) ...

2.有硬壳的 crustose 外壳状的 crusty 有硬壳的 crutch 拐杖 ...

3.有硬皮的 stationer 文具商, 书商... crusty 有硬皮的, 易怒的 ... destiny 命运, 定数... ...

4.暴躁的 24 crummy 劣质的 25 crusty 暴躁的 28 crude 粗鲁,粗俗的 ...

5.脆皮土司 ... Everyone loves snow! / 大家都爱下雪天! Crusty / 脆皮土司 Snow! / 下雪了! ...

6.像壳一样硬的 ... 7. scented 有香味的 8. crusty 像壳一样硬的 9. rancid 腐臭的 ...


1.Of or relating to a pchen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows.(属于地衣的)它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

2.The New Orleans muffuletta is one of the only large American sandwiches not made with a long crusty roll.新奥尔良马夫那他是唯一一种不是长硬皮面包卷做成的大型美国三明治。

3.Mike's ok, but he's a bit of a crusty. I wish he'd wash his hair.麦克这个人还行,就是有点邋遢。我希望他能把头发洗干净。

4.'Can we be of any service to you, O crusty Crabbies? ' said the Four Children.“穿着盔甲的虾兵蟹将啊,我们能帮什么忙吗?”四个孩子问。

5.Sachs said it has been used for four decades to treat actinic keratoses, which appear as a scaly or crusty bump on the skin.Sachs说这种药物治疗光化学引起的角质过度(皮肤表面的一种鳞状坚硬的隆起物)已有40年了。

6.If anyone has a crusty old Honda without any pghts in their shed, with a funny tach that "goes up to 18, " I'll take it off your hands! !如果任何人有任何一个没有灯光的硬壳本田的老棚,一个有趣的盛德说:“上升至18,”我买了把你的手!

7.Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty .克罗大娘没好气地替她搬了把椅子。

8.He will think you are a crusty old git , which could be unfortunate when he becomes your boss in a couple of years' time .他会认为你是个老古董,如果几年后他成为你的老板,可能会给你带来不幸。

9.There was an old door there, on crusty hinges.那里有一扇陈旧的门,门的合叶很难转动。

10.For a crusty loaf, spray water on the walls of the oven right after placing the bread in a well-preheated oven.喜欢脆式表层的话,那么面包入炉后,立即喷洒一些水在烤箱周围。