


美式发音: [ə'sju:md] 英式发音: [ə'sju:md]








1.假定的;假设的that you suppose to be true or to exist

the assumed differences between the two states两种状况的假定区别



v.1.The past tense and past participle of assume

1.假定的 assume 假定 assumed 假定的 assumedly 多半 ...

2.假装的 consume 消费; assumed 假定的,假装的 astonish 使震惊 ...

3.认为 approach 接近 assumed 假设,认为 on 固定搭配 ...

4.以为 exhausted 耗尽的,用完的 assumed 假定;认为;以为 took root in 生根;在…扎下了 …

5.假设 required 必须的 assumed 假设的 inferred 推断的 ...

7.假的 ... assuming Conj 假设 assumed adj. 假的 assume office 就职 ...


1.But I assumed it was just a phase, and that he would resolve it on the next upswing.但我认为这只是一个阶段,在下一次情绪高涨时他会解决这个问题。

2.The enemy assumed the offensive at the beginning of the battle.战争一开始敌人就采取了攻势。

3.True, it is possible for an ever greater share of the debt to be assumed by governments, so baipng out private creditors.没错,政府有可能承担越来越大的债务份额,从而解脱私人债权人的负担。

4.It is often assumed that non-European societies such as China shared few, if any, of these assumptions.这些假设,常常被认为很少(如果有的话)为欧洲以外的社会如中国所享有。

5.It has always been assumed that women's bodies give them a higher pain threshold than men, to help them cope with the agony of childbirth.人们老是设想女性的身躯使女性具有比男性高的痛觉阈,以辅佐她们应对临蓐的巨痛。

6.The dark shape was once assumed to be an obscuring dust cloud seen in silhouette against the bright reflection nebula.在过去,这个暗色天体曾被认为是个尘埃星云,因为遮掩了后方明亮反射星云的光,而以剪影的形式现踪。

7.But many analysts assumed that the Times and Apple had already formed some sort of partnership.不过,许多分析人士认为,该报与苹果公司已经达成了某些合作。

8.I assumed he'd been forced here to meet Hattie, so I wasn't prepared when, with a pttle ta-dah! of her arms, Hattie presented me.我猜想他是被逼着到这儿来见见海蒂的,因此海蒂用她的胳膊示意着“来喽!”,并且引荐我时,我毫无准备。

9.I always assumed that our working habits would set them a good example, but the reverse seems to have been the case.我总是以为,我们两口子的工作习惯会给孩子们树立榜样,可结果似乎事与愿违。

10.They were at first assumed to be drug traffickers, but were subsequently identified as migrants trying to reach the United States.死者原先被认定是毒贩,但随后被确认为偷渡者,他们试图偷渡到美国。