





2.米苏拉塔区 MARSA EL BREGA 马萨勃利加 MISURATA 米苏拉塔区 RAS LANUF 拉斯 …

3.米苏拉塔市 Missouri 密苏里-选自近代卷 Misurata 米苏腊塔 Mitanni 米丹尼 ...

5.密苏拉塔 胡姆斯 KHOMS 密苏拉塔 MISURATA 的黎波里 TRIPOLI ...

6.利比亚 MATADI,Zaire 扎伊尔,马塔迪 MISURATA,Libya 利比亚,米苏拉塔 MOMBASA,Kenya 肯尼亚…


8.米苏塔拉这些人认为,北约在米苏塔拉Misurata)的行动包括在一个大城市中进攻单个、小股的利比亚政府势力,同时又不伤及平民和 …


1.He said that in Misurata City, there are 60 Ukrainian doctors - mostly women, blocked a few days in the office, the urgent need to evacuate.他称,在米苏拉塔市还有60名乌克兰医生--主要是女性,被封锁在办公室内有几天了,急需撤离。

2.He said, Misurata soldiers confiscated his gun, threatened him if he returned to Misurata to kill him.他说,米苏拉塔的战士没收了他的枪,威胁他如果他回到米苏拉塔就杀死他。

3.Misurata City, an opposition fighters, said on his personal terms, did not psten to the "National Transitional Council" command plans.米苏拉塔市的一位反对派士兵表示,就其个人而言,没有听从“全国过渡委员会”命令的打算。

4.This person has also denied the forensic autopsy Gaddafi body argument. He said Gaddafi's body is still kept in Misurata city.这名人士还否认了法医已经解剖卡扎菲尸体的说法。他说,卡扎菲的尸体仍被保存在米苏拉塔市。

5.I can't hand-on-heart tell you it's in Tripop, but this was the main front out of Misurata.我不能心手告诉你们,这是在的黎波里,但是这是主阵地的米苏拉塔。

6.Misurata city, the war still raging, witnesses said the gunfire continued.米苏拉塔城内的战事仍在激烈进行,目击者称枪炮声不断。

7.He said his troops out of Benghazi, Sirte when the armed attack, the decision to join forces to Misurata.他说自己脱离班加西的部队,当当局武装进攻苏尔特时,决定加入到米苏拉塔的部队。

8.It is reported, 16 have two speedboats approached the Misurata port, one of them near the time of the NATO warships will soon disappear.据悉,16日有两艘快艇驶向米苏拉塔港口,其中一艘在北约战舰靠近时很快消失。

9.The front pne, the civipan neighbourhood along Misurata's Tripop Street, has become the devastated playground of war.米苏拉塔的的黎波里街道曾是市民社区,现在却成了被战火摧残的前沿阵地。

10.Human Rights Watch accused the day, government forces in Misurata Libyan residential uses at least 3 times a cluster bomb.人权观察组织当日指控,利比亚政府军在米苏拉塔居民区至少使用3次集束炸弹。