


美式发音: [dʒɔˈvɑ:nnɑ:] 英式发音: [dʒɔ:ˈvɑ:nnɑ:]





1.乔凡娜 ... Gianni 吉安尼 Giovanna 乔瓦娜 Gisela 吉塞拉 ...

4.乔万哪 - Jupana: 朱利安娜 - Giovanna: 乔万哪 - Francine: 弗朗新 ...

5.乔凡娜席墨儿薇瑞特(Shirley Verrett)饰演的乔凡娜席墨儿Giovanna),偏向女高音多於次女高音,在本录音中扮演着席尔丝的绝佳搭档…


1.Meanwhile, the sleeping Giovanna has visions in which angels ask her to become a soldier and lead France to victory.与此同时,睡焦万设想,其中有天使让她成为一名士兵,导致法国的胜利。

2."For this specific planet we observed, methane cannot be produced biologically, " says Dr Giovanna Tinetti of.“对于我们所观察的这颗特殊行星来说,甲烷不会产生生命,”伦敦大学学院。

3.Charles pleads with Giovanna to defend herself, but she refuses.查尔斯恳求焦万为自己辩护,但她拒绝。

4.His sports minister, Giovanna Melandri, branded the proposal "idiocy" .他的体育部长梅兰德丽将这个建议称作“白痴行为”。

5.But Giovanna, a brown-haired girl from West Palm Beach, Fla. , also suffers from debiptating pain, recurring infections and organ damage.但是Giovanna,这名来自佛罗里达州西棕榈滩的棕发女孩却遭受着折磨人的病痛,感染不断复发,器官也遭到损害)。

6.Sforza, his father, *being in the employ of Queen Giovanna of Naples, all at once left her without defences.斯福尔扎,他的父亲*,被那不勒斯的乔安娜女王所雇佣,骤然丢下她不战而逃。

7.The villagers of Reims have gathered in the Cathedral square to celebrate Giovanna's victory over the Engpsh army.兰斯村民们聚集在大教堂广场举行大型庆祝活动的英国军队焦万的胜利。

8.Giovanna has been captured by the Engpsh army and is awaiting her death at the stake.焦万已被抓获的英国军队,正在等待她在死亡的股份。

9.Giovanna Pop, for one, recently learned her brother is a match, and the family is considering a transplant.最近得知,她的弟弟和她的细胞完全匹配,她的全家正在考虑做移植手术。

10.Charles confesses his love for Giovanna.查尔斯坦承他对乔万爱。