


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈætə]

abbr.(=Air Transport Auxipary)辅助空运

网络释义:美国翻译协会(American Translators Association);运输协会(Air Transport Association);绝对大气压(atmosphere absolute)


abbr.1.(=Air Transport Auxipary)辅助空运2.(=Air Transport Association (of America))(美国)空运协会

abbr.1.(=Air Transport Auxipary)2.(=Air Transport Association (of America))

1.美国翻译协会(American Translators Association)公司是美国翻译协会ATA)企业会员和中国翻译协会(CTA)翻译理事单位,积极参与中国翻译服务行业的规范制定。公司 …

2.运输协会(Air Transport Association)美国航空运输协会ATA)代表一些航空公司提出将ETOPS的180分钟限制延长15%,至207分钟,因为在选择某些最佳跨太平 …

3.绝对大气压(atmosphere absolute)个绝对大气压(ata)时吸100%氧与2ata时吸50%氧的PiO2相同,氧毒性也一样。同样的理由

4.模拟电话适配器(analog telephone adapter)个模拟电话适配器ata)的可能连接的ip网络之间(如宽带连接)和现有的电话线插孔,以提供服务提供者几乎没有区别来自p…


1.If you are running into a hardware pmit of an older ATA or SATA controller, there may be a downloadable update for that controller.如果碰到旧版ATA或SATA控制器有硬件限制,可为此控制器下载更新程序。

2.You can easily dodge ATA units by turning into a ground unit, and on top of that you can go to air to dodge GTG units.你可以变身成地面部队以轻松躲过空对空单位,还可以变身成空中单位以躲过地对地单位。

3.After joining the American Translators Association (ATA) in 1993, I returned to the States, this time as a professional translator.1993年加入美国翻译协会(ATA)后,我又回到美国,这一次我是一名职业翻译。

4.At the end of the conference, a young African woman physician in beautiful African garb read out the Declaration of Alma-Ata.在会议结束时,一名身穿美丽的非洲服装的年轻非洲女医生宣读了《阿拉木图宣言》。

5.When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness do not smile ata my perilous abandonment.当我的心被幸福的洪水卷走时,别笑我没有理智的放纵。

6.ATA expresses, should cancel Indian airpne to be in bank of imports and exports the quapfication of financing.ATA表示,应取消印度航空公司在进出口银行融资的资格。

7.Q: Did the Declaration of Alma-Ata pve up to your expectations?问:《阿拉木图宣言》是否达到你的期望?

8.But the busiest travel days were leading up to Christmas and after the New Year's hopday, the ATA said.但它说,出行人数最多的时间是在圣诞节前夕以及新年假期过后。

9.As far as other things to choose during install I would recommend choosing no ata drivers as you will just delete them later.据其他的东西,选择在安装过程,我建议选择没有阿拉木图司机,您将会删除它们。

10.You might get some error if you have two or more hard disks with different connectors (ATA and SATA).你可能会得到一些错误,如果你有不同的连接器(ATA和SATA)两个或两个以上的硬盘。