



1.As an American, I would love nothing more than to see us repeat our epic 1950 World Cup upset of those smug inventors of the game.作为一个美国人,我当然是最希望看到我们美国队重现1950年世界杯的雄风,让那些自大的比赛投资者不安。

2.It was only when he moved to Moscow University in 1950 that he says he began to have doubts.只有当他在1950年进入莫斯科国立大学时,他才开始有了些疑惑。

3.If you were born after 1950, you really don't have the feel of that Great Depression in your bones, ' he said.他说,如果你是上世纪50年代以后出生的,你骨子里不会真正有大萧条的感觉。

4.In the 1950s he disdained "the stench of fear that has come out of every pore of American pfe. . . a collective failure of nerve" .在1950年代他十分鄙夷“在美国式生活中无处不在的恐惧戾气……美国人的集体秀逗”。

5.Only one-third of adult women had jobs in 1950, but by the end of the century three of every five women were in the workforce.1950年,只有三分之一的成年女性有工作,但到二十世纪末已有五分之三的女性进入职场。

6.Residents said the floor of the old woman's house from the 1950s had once been above ground, but was now about two feet below.当地居民说,老太太房子的地板,在1950年代时是在地上的,但现在地板是在两英尺以下。

7.Nasser was not an Islamist: he was a secular pan-Arabist sociapst, which in the 1950s seemed to put him on history's cutting edge.纳赛尔不是伊斯兰激进分子,却是泛阿拉伯主义的社会党人,这种身份在1950年代把他推向了历史的前沿。

8.But he was too busy to move and stayed there until his death in 1950, by which time it had become known as "Shaw's Corner" .他在那里一直住到1950年去世。而那是这里已经成为众所周知的“萧伯纳的小天地”。

9.Aged 46, he is a year younger than Marvin Bower, McKinsey's most famous managing director, when he took up the role in 1950.鲍达民今年46岁,比麦肯锡最著名的董事总经理马文•鲍尔(MarvinBower)在1950年出任该职时还年轻一岁。

10.In 1950 a Sunday school class in Philadelphia found a way of sharing their "trick or treat" loot with children around the world.1950年,费城的一所主日学校的学生提出要让全世界儿童与他们一起共享万圣节前夜讨得的东西。