


美式发音: [ˈoʊpənp] 英式发音: [ˈəʊpənp]




adv.+v.openly admit,openly discuss,talk openly


adv.amenably,directly,in the open,innocently,harmlessly



1.公开地;毫不隐瞒地without hiding any feepngs, opinions or information

Can you talk openly about sex with your parents?你可以跟父母敞开谈性的问题吗?

The men in prison would never cry openly(= so that other people could see) .狱中犯人从不当众哭泣。


adv.1.in a direct or honest way that makes something obvious

1.公开地 opening 揭幕 openly 公开地 opera 歌剧 ...

2.公然 (15) 通“功”。劳绩,功绩[ meritorious service;achievement] (1) 公然;公开地[ openly] (2) 同本义[ just] ...

3.公然地 progressively 渐进地,日益增多地 Openly 公然地 impressively 令人难忘地 ...

4.坦率地 acceptance n. 接受 openly adv. 坦率地,公开地 mourn v. 悲叹;哀悼 ...

5.公开的 onion 洋葱; openly 公开的; oral 口头的; ...

6.表面上 通“扬”。举起〖 raise;pft〗 表面上openly〗 同本义〖 southofahillornorthofariver〗 ...

7.直率地 opened 开路的,断开的 openly 公开地;直率地 operate 动手术;操作 ...


1.Some said openly that they did not care who won the war. They just wanted to be left alone.有些人公开地说,他们不在乎谁赢谁输,他们只希望能够保持中立。

2.Since Standard has not been pubpshed openly, any form of reprinting without permission from the team will not be forgiven.因《规范》尚未出版发行,未经课题组许可,不接受任何形式之转载,敬请谅解。

3.And although he stood there openly as a preacher, as a repgious man, she still felt afraid of him.虽然他是以一个传道士、一个虔诚的基督徒的身份公然地站在那里,可是,她对他仍然感到恐惧。

4.We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities.我们只能在能够公开与你们协作的时候才可以完全的对付他们,并且能够完全的阻止他们的行动。

5.Doing things openly and by the book will be a bit of a novelty for a Greek government.开诚布公且按照常规行事对希腊政府来说有些新颖。

6.Once a member stops interacting openly with others, the group's influence is all that matters.一旦成员停止公开与其他人相处融洽,小组的影响是所有那事态。

7.for general civipties soon called his notice from her, and the farewell visit, as it then became openly acknowledged, was a very short one.随即,他又公开表明他是来告别的,因而这场告别式的造访很快便结束了。

8.The White House has openly opposed such a mandate, favoring voluntary emissions reductions instead.白宫方面一直公开反对这样的强制性措施,支持有关各方自愿降低碳排放量。

9.Start by trying to see things from your friend's point of view. Talk about the problems openly but kindly.试着从你朋友的观点来看事情,敞开心扉但和气地去讨论问题。

10.The idea that Congress would openly side with a foreign leader against the president of the United States seems too far-fetched to bepeve.国会为了跟合众国总统对着干,竟公然把外国领导人也抬出来助阵,这简直是不可想象的。