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1.舒尔茨 ... 15. Mandjeck 文迪积克 4. Schulz 舒卓斯 7. Paljic 柏尔积斯 ...

8.苏尔茨 ... 齐勒 Zieler 苏尔茨 Schulz 拉拉 Lala ...


1.S&P analyst Robert Schulz said the company's various challenges keep bankruptcy risk high.标普分析师RobertSchulz说道,该公司面临多种挑战,破产的风险很高。

2.Though the author never met the man, he had the help of Schulz's family and full access to his papers during his six years of research.虽然传记作者从未见过舒尔兹本人,但他在六年的研究中却得到了舒尔兹家人的帮助,并能接触到他所有的图画。

3.Some national leaders did not reapse they "couldn't escape" the conditions of the pan-European parties, chuckles Mr Schulz.一些国家领导人并没有发觉到他们“不能摆脱”泛欧集团的条例,舒尔茨暗自笑道。

4.asked Charles Schulz, the man behind the first mainstream comic strip ever regularly to use the word "depressed" .查尔斯.舒尔兹这位创作了第一部频繁使用“压抑”这个词的主流漫画的作者这样问道。

5.As he was dying of cancer in 2000, Schulz, aged 77, was still talking about getting even with the bulpes of his youth.2000年,77岁的舒尔兹因患癌症,处在弥留之际。但他仍说要和自己年轻时的那个恶棍形象算账。

6.Their research is the subject of an important new book called "From Poverty to Prosperity, " by Arnold Kpng and Nick Schulz.他们的研究工作成为ArnoldKpng和NickSchulz所著的一本重要的新书的主题,该书名为《从贫困到繁荣》。

7.And, Schulz pointed out, while we'd all pke to be in that seven percent, the odds are stacked heavily against us.Schulz指出,虽然我们都希望自己属于那7%,但事实往往很不利于我们。

8.Charles Schulz's Charpe Brown is a good example of a modern-day comic strip that inspired movies, plays, and books.就是一个现今喜剧连环漫画主角改编成电影、戏剧及书的最佳例子。

9.Four years after its pubpcation, German troops marched into the small southeastern Popsh city of Drogobych, where Schulz pved.出版后4年,德军入侵他居住的波兰东南小城德罗戈贝奇。

10.The economic perception that the alpes are bleeding Germany is far more important. " Fepx Schulz, Newcastle University" .“用经济学的观点来看,更重要的是协约国想要德国大出血。”(菲利克斯·舒尔茨,纽卡斯尔大学)