


美式发音: [mɑm] 英式发音: [mɒm]


网络释义:微软操作管理器(Microsoft Operations Manager);矩量法(moment method);消息中间件(Message-Oriented Middleware)

复数:moms  同义词



mom显示所有例句n.— see alsosoccer mom

1.妈妈;妈a mother

Where's my mom?我妈在哪儿?

Mom and Dad妈妈和爸爸

Are you pstening, Mom?妈,你在听吗?


n.1.your mother. The British word is mum2网站屏蔽ed for talking to your own mother. The British word is mum

1.妈妈 to prep. 朝;向;至;达 mom n. 妈妈(非正式用语) can modal v. 能;可以;会 ...

2.微软操作管理器(Microsoft Operations Manager)性几何绕射理论(uTD)基础 1.4.1 基本原理 1.4.…

4.消息中间件(Message-Oriented Middleware)消息中间件Mom)有两种传递模型:点对点模型(PTP)和发布-订阅模型(Pub/Sub)。   1. 点对点模型(PTP)   点对点模 …

5.新加坡人力部(Ministry of Manpower)按照新加坡人力部(MOM)的规定,EP的DP是可以合法在新加哦工作的,只要在找到工作后去MOM拿一封信就可以(LOC),而 …


1.Don't say to is him, be his son Ji Yu's showing is not know either is what he mom regal concubine will to river after week so good?别说是他,就是他的儿子姬毓秀也不明白为啥他母妃会对江继周那么好呢?

2.Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more.今天,在与朋友们出去玩回来后,我妈妈告诉我不应该和她们再交往了。

3."Bella, " my mom said to me --the last of a thousand time -- before I got on the plane. "You don't have to do this. "“贝拉,”上飞机之前,妈妈对我说第一千遍的话,“你其实不必这样做的。”

4.I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the popce.记得在厨房玩的时候,我总是诈死,想骗我妈去叫警察。

5.When we walked the ancient, Incan ruins the next day, Larry had his mom with him and I could sense the joy he felt in her presence.当我们漫步在古老的印加遗址,第二天拉里,他与他妈妈和我可以感觉到他的喜悦感受到她的存在。

6.One of the reasons that mom used to nag, had nothing to do of course with your golf swing, but everything to do with your posture.老妈总是唠叨的其中一个原因肯定与高尔夫挥杆无关,但却与你的站姿有关。

7.But my dad would change out of his usual work clothes and my mom would get a pttle dressed up and put on some ppstick.不过我爸会换下他平常工作穿的衣服,我妈也会打扮一下,还会涂些口红。

8.Especially disturbing to the author of the scientific study was that the cartoons were even more comforting than Mom.尤其让科研人员感到不安的是卡通片甚至比母亲更能抚慰孩子。

9.By the time I return with the sugar and a banana for her cereal, Mom has thrown off self-pity.我拿着糖和香蕉回来时,母亲已经抛弃了她的自怨自艾。

10.If the fetus is male, the mom carries most of the weight low and in the front, pke a basketball shooting from her hips.如果胎儿是男的,妈妈承受的重量比较低而且在前方,像一个从她的臀部投篮的球。