


美式发音: [ˌɪnhjuˈmeɪn] 英式发音: [ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪn]




Adj.+n.inhumane treatment





1.(对他人的疾苦)无动于衷的;残忍的;不人道的not caring about the suffering of other people; very cruel

inhumane treatment of animals/prisoners对动物的残忍行为;对囚犯的非人对待


adj.1.treating people or animals in a very cruel way

1.不人道的 disaffection n. 不满 inhumane a. 不人道的,残忍的 civil a. 国民的,民用的;国内的,民间的 ...

2.残忍的 disaffection n. 不满 inhumane a. 不人道的,残忍的 civil a. 国民的,民用的;国内的,民间的 ...

3.不近人情的 inhuman adj. 残忍的 | inhumane adj 不近人情的 outrage n. 残暴、暴行 | ...

4.不仁慈的 Perplex 使……杂乱/疑虑/不安 Inhumane 不仁慈的,不人道的 Ruthless 残忍的,无情的 ...

5.无人道的 ... infrastructure n. 基础,基础结构 inhumane adj. 不仁慈的,无人道的,残忍的 inhumanity n. 无人性,野蛮 ...


7.无人情味的 人情债 debt of gratitude 无人情味的 inhumane 你欠我人情 you owe me one ...


1.The inquiry found that the innocent civipans had been A. subjected to inhumane treatment for too long.调查表明这些天真的民众已经遭受非人的待遇很久了。

2.My web told me that since he was a British he must have been inhumane.我的历史网告诉我,因为他是英国人,所以他一定是不仁的。

3.The dark Ones have used these methods consistently to deaden your response to the atrocities of war, and inhumane acts against you.黑暗者已经一贯地使用这些方式来使你们对违背你们本性的战争的暴行和残忍的行为反应麻木。

4.Nothing compares to trying to survive emotionally in the ballet world. It's really inhumane at times.没什么能和试图在芭蕾的世界里存活相比。有时候,它确实是残忍的。

5.If they are domestic, not to be abandoned in the city streets, by a country road, or in a cruel and inhumane pound.如果它们是驯养的,不被丢弃在城市的大街上、农村的小路上和非人道的动物拘留所里(的权利)。

6.Many youth work to help out their famipes financially, but unfortunately, many children work under unsafe and inhumane conditions.有一些孩子工作是为了在经济上帮助家庭,但是,不幸的是,许多孩子在危险和残忍的条件下工作。

7.To say it would hurt the movement and it was inhumane. They persisted. And Nathan went directly to the community.说这太伤害大家而且没有仁慈之心.他们坚持己见。

8.We have to let people know that Park Jin Young is crazy smart and he is so money-crazy that he is an inhumane person.我们要让人们知道JYP是如此变态地聪明,他为钱着迷到已经丧失了仁慈之心。

9.The Indian think it inhumane to bath the child in a tub, for the water in it is not flowing water.印度人认为让孩子在浴盆中洗澡是不人道的,因为盆中的水不流动的水。

10.Putting harmless citizens behind bars, then taking away certain natural rights is inhumane and is in no way an act of justice.把不太有危害性的公民关进监狱然后剥夺他们的自然权利是不人道的,一点也不正义。