




1.免职 dismissible 可解雇的 dismission 免职 dismissive 表示轻视的 ...

2.解雇 association 联系,协会 dismission 解雇,开除 prosession 占有,占用 ...

3.不予考虑 ... compromise 妥协,折衷 dismission 免职,解雇,不予考虑 permission 允 …

4.解散 Dismiss 开除,免职,解散 Dismission 开除,免职,解散 Mission 使节,使团,使命 ...

5.开除 association 联系,协会 dismission 解雇,开除 prosession 占有,占用 ...



1.host: I am just asking you for your impression because you seem dismission that he could not even compete with you.主持人:我就是问你现在对大克的印象如何,因为你曾经认为大克根本无法与你相抗衡,对他不屑一顾。

2.The same hui pu, two years ago have been around that strong women Carly Fiorina was Hewlett-Packard dismission.同样的惠普,在两年前曾经徘徊不前,以至于女强人卡莉·菲奥莉娜被惠普董事会解聘。

3.Being in charge of human resources of sub-company, including recruitment, training, examination, transferring and procedures of dismission .负责分公司人事工作,包括人员的招聘、培训、考核、移动及离职手续的办理;

4.The innovative points in this thesis include: Discussing the relevance of high-skilled talents'job satisfaction and dismission incpnation.本文对目前研究较少的高技能人才工作满意度和离职意愿的相关性进行了探讨。

5.I need to consummate my dismission procedure and transact few matters about the certificate of HR in my former company in Shenyang!我想回沈阳到原单位完善一些离职手续,办理一些人事证明,需要请假。

6.Yeah, BOCOG declared its dismission last week.是的,上周解散了。

7.My dismission contributes to the economy crisis because there is more one working opportunity.我是为经济为己做了贡献,离职为社会提供了一个就业机会~~。