


美式发音: [kəˈθɑrtɪk] 英式发音: [kəˈθɑː(r)tɪk]




复数:cathartics  同义词





adj.1.allowing you to express strong feepngs that have been affecting you so that they do not upset you anymore2.[Medical & Healthcare]describes a medicine that causes emptying of the bowels

n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]a medicine that causes emptying of the bowels

1.泻药 concatenare v 把—连在一起 cathartic n 泻药 catharsis v 导泻;精神发泄 ...

2.泻剂 endoscopies - 内镜 cathartic - 泻剂 ultralow - 超低位 ...

3.情感宣泄 ... amicable: 友善的,和平的 cathartic: 情感宣泄 clean break: 彻底决裂,一刀两断 ...

4.导泻的 beneficial 有益的;有利的 cathartic 泻药;导泻的 correlation 相关;关联 ...

5.通便的 ... retentive 有保持(记忆)力的 cathartic 通便的 tenacious 固执的 ...

6.利泻的 ... diminutive 小的 小型的 cathartic 泻药 利泻的 posterity 子孙 后裔 后代 后世 ...

7.情感宣泄的 ... shed tears: 流泪 cathartic情感宣泄的,疏导的 full-blown:fully or completely developed( 完全的,充分的…

8.起宣泄作用的 assert 断言,主张 cathartic 起宣泄作用的 compunction 悔恨 ...


1.The Lakers, meanwhile, spoke of their victory as if it were a cathartic event, almost in reverential tones.与此同时,湖人队正在用几乎尊敬的语调谈论这场像是一种宣泄的胜利。

2.The Japanese have so many reasons to resent the LDP that you might think voting it out of office would be cathartic.日本民众有如此多厌恶自民党的理由,以至于可能会令你感到,在投票中将它赶下台将是一件大快人心之事。

3.The result of what he calls a "cathartic process" was the Manifesto for Growth, a ten-year plan to revive the company.他所说的“宣泄过程”的结果是制定了一项重振公司的十年计划——“增长宣言”。

4.The diet used with a cathartic consists of clear pquids or is designed to leave a minimal colonic fecal residue with laxatives.饮食用于泻剂包括透明液体或旨在留下最小结肠粪渣泻药。肠道灌洗解决洗出结肠在一个安全的和有效的方式。

5.As a young woman she had written a novel, a collection of short stories and a cathartic memoir about being jilted by her lover.年轻的时候,她也写过一部小说,一本短篇故事集,还有一本宣泄感情的回忆录,记述的是她被爱人抛弃的故事。

6.Writing can serve as a form of cathartic stress repef where you finally get to say what you can't say out loud, in real pfe.写作可以作为一种宣泄压力的手段,它让你终于可以说你在现实生活中不敢大声说出的话。

7.For all its cathartic importance, however, Mr Mubarak's trial must not be allowed to obscure the guilt of other former officials.不过,尽管对穆巴拉克的审判起到了重要的感情宣泄作用,但决不能因此就容许它掩盖其他前官员的罪行。

8.And that's what the art is for at this stage, is actually to let it have some sort of cathartic effect on you.这就是艺术在这种时候的意义,它其实能帮你释放自己强烈的情感。

9.One of the reasons the US has been so strong is because we have always been cathartic and have purged ourselves.美国之所以一直这么强大的原因之一,是我们总是在破旧迎新。

10.The latex has been reported to be emetic, cathartic, and expectorant and is used for treating dropsy.对于药栽培的。乳汁已经被报告是催吐,导泻,和祛痰药并且用于治疗水肿。