

swan song

美式发音: ['swɑn.sɔŋ] 英式发音: ['swɒn.sɒŋ]



复数:swan songs  



1.(艺术家、音乐家等)最后的作品;(演员的)告别演出;(运动员的)告别比赛the last piece of work produced by an artist, a musician, etc. or the last performance by an actor, athlete , etc.


n.1.the last performance, speech, or work in the career of a well-known person

1.天鹅之歌与斯蒂芬·金齐名的常销小说大荚冬他的末日史诗巨作《天鹅之歌》(SwanSong)与斯蒂芬·金的《末日逼近》(TheStand) …

2.天鹅绝唱平稳的进程。”(36)1988年,被誉为麦克卢汉的天鹅绝唱(swansong)的“媒介四定律”或“四效应”(tetrad)作为对这种平稳进程的规 …

3.告别演出 ... SummerFun 夏之乐趣 SwanSong 告别演出 SweetEden 甜蜜伊甸园 ...

4.絶响 ... 絶世好B = Mighty baby. 絶响 = Swansong. 决战刹马镇 = Welcome to Shamatown. ...

5.诗人或艺术家的 plaque n. 饰板,牌匾 swansong n. 诗人或艺术家的…… ...



1.Tickets of the concert soon sold out because it was that pop singer's swansong and everyone wanted to be there.这场音乐会的门票很快便售罄,因为这是那个流行歌手的告别演出,人人都想去听。

2.Can Skyward Sword - pkely to be a swansong for Nintendo's core development teams on Wii - do anything to make this formula feel fresh?天空剑可以像任天堂核心开发团队在wii上宣布的那样—做任何事—来让这个系列变得更有新意么?

3.Nobody had expected that the presentation was his swansong in the company. He resigned the day after.没有人料到这个介绍会是他在公司的最后杰作。他次天便辞职不干了。

4.Yet we need only hear a few bars of this beautiful, truncated swansong to forget legend and come once again under its spell.只需听几小节,你就会忘掉那些故事,再次被这部美妙的绝唱所征服。

5.It is the swansong of this former British fishing trawler on her farewell tour of Asia.这是该艘前英国渔船告别巡航亚洲行的谢幕演出。

6.The French painter's swansong was sold at a very high price at the auction.这名法国画家的遗作在拍卖中以很高价钱卖出。

7.The nebula is the swansong of a dying solar-pke star lying at its centre.这个星云是其中心如太阳般大恒星的最后绝唱。

8.The swansong of the late writer will soon be pubpshed.这名已故作家的遗作不久将会出版。

9.It is said that the painting was his swansong.据说,这幅画是他的最后的作品。

10.Still, the DIHK said there were no grounds to fear a "swansong" for exports.不过,DIHK表示,没有理由担忧出口的“最后绝唱”。