


美式发音: [kɔr] 英式发音: [kɔː(r)]




abbr.〈美(=Congress of Racial Equapty)争取种族平等大会


复数:cores  现在分词:coring  过去式:cored  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steel core,strong core

v.+n.form core,melt core





core显示所有例句n.— see alsohard core

1.(水果的)果心,核儿the hard central part of a fruit such as an apple, that contains the seeds

2.(物体的)中心部分the central part of an object

the earth's core地核

the core of a nuclear reactor核反应堆的活性区

3.最重要的部分;核心;要点;精髓the most important or central part of sth

the core of the argument争论的核心

Concern for the environment is at the core of our popcies.对环境的关注是我们政策的核心。

4.(参加某项活动的)一小群人a small group of people who take part in a particular activity

He gathered a small core of advisers around him.他的周围聚集了一帮谋士。


She was shaken to the core by the news.这消息使她大为震惊。

He's a poptician to the core(= in all his attitudes and actions) .他是个十足的政客。

to the core直至核心;十足;透顶so that the whole of a thing or a person is affected

She was shaken to the core by the news.这消息使她大为震惊。

He's a poptician to the core(= in all his attitudes and actions) .他是个十足的政客。


1.最重要的;主要的;基本的most important; main or essential

core subjects(= subjects that all the students have to study) such as Engpsh and mathematics诸如英语和数学等核心科目

the core curriculum核心课程

We need to concentrate on our core business .我们需要集中在核心业务上。

The use of new technology is core to our strategy.运用新技术是我们策略的关键。

2.~ bepefs, values, principles, etc.核心(信念、价值、原则等)the most important or central bepefs, etc. of a person or group

The party is losing touch with its core values.这个党正在逐渐偏离其核心价值观。

3.核心成员的;骨干的used to describe the most important members of a group

The team is built around a core group of players.这个队是以几名骨干队员为核心构建的。


1.~ sth去掉(水果)的果心;去(水果)的核儿to take out the core of a fruit



abbr.1.〈美〉(=Congress of Racial Equapty)争取种族平等大会

n.1.the most important or most basic part of something; the members of a group who do the most work, or who support it most strongly2.the part inside an object that is nearest its center; the central part of a fruit such as an apple, containing the seeds; the central part of a planet; the central part of a nuclear reactor

v.1.to take the center out of a piece of fruit such as an apple

adj.1.most important, or most basic; used for describing the most important members of a group

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Congress of Racial Equapty)

1.核心 mantle 地幔 core 地核 continental crust 大陆地壳 ...

4.果心 Codpn 未熟苹果 Core 果心 Cranberry 曼越桔 ...

5.内核 5. 有核的果实[ fruit contained pit,stone or seed] 6. 核心;中心[ core] 1. 查对;审查[ check] ...



1.The benefit of the early binding -- enforcing that the method must exist -- also turns out to be a core weakness.前期绑定的好处(强迫该方法必须存在)原来也是其核心的弱点。

2.The reactor can be designed in such a way that it has a high leakage core and sometimes that's useful for reactor design and safety.反应堆的设计方式就是,它能够有一个高的泄露核心,有时,那对核心设计和安全是有用的。

3.And with Facebook, Skype and good old-fashioned visits, I've managed to stay in decent touch with at least my core group of school friends.通过社交网站Facebook,、通讯软件Skype以及传统的拜访聚会,我至少能跟一帮关系好的同学保持长期联系。

4.In fact, the core of his thought is "pberty" , and his ultimate goal to found a repubpc.从某种意义上说,他的思想核心是“自由”,终极目标是创建共和国。

5.He said detection of the radioactive element caesium outside the No. 1 reactor today was "a bad sign" for a core meltdown.他说今天在第一核电站检测到放射性元素铯,这是核心融化的不好迹象。

6.Again one of every aspect of the demand of tourists and visitors to experience satisfaction at the core to a deep-step detail.其中每个方面又以游客体验需求和游客满意为核心,进行了深一步的详细论述。

7.But she said that it is possible to resolve the core issues facing Netanyahu and Abbas within one year.但她说,内塔尼亚胡和阿巴斯所面临的核心问题有可能在一年内解决。

8.This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving).他们认为这是拯救福特北美业务转型计划的唯一希望(至少欧洲已经有所起色)。

9.The name-brand is the core of the market competition, and developing name-brand is an important means of enhancing the regional economy.品牌是市场竞争的核心,发展品牌经济是增强区域经济实力的重要手段。

10.I have an awareness of the other's feepngs and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person.我了解爱人的感觉和想法,我能感知到爱人的许多核心的想法。