




1.念 ... (Hsin 信), (2) (Nien ), (3) (Ching-chin 精进), (4) ...

2.吴念真 ... 吴忠市 Wuzhong 吴念真 nien 吴思华 se ...

3.年兽 firecracker 鞭炮 Nien 年兽 red envelope 红包 ...

4.聂泛勳 ... Nieh 聂 Nien 年念粘 Ning 甯鄞 ...

6.粘松豪 蓝维 Lan 粘松豪 Nien 资工所 DIAMOND BAR ...

7.你呢 劳而无功 laoermogong 你呢 nien 你哦 nio ...


1.Prior to his service in the Rebelpon, Nien Nunb was an old friend and business partner of Lando Calrissian.在起义军服役前,尼恩·农布是兰多·卡瑞辛的老朋友和商业伙伴。

2.Nien Cheng was arrested by the Red Guards in 1966 because of the false accusation that she was a spy for the imperiapsts.郑念在1966年被红卫兵逮捕,被指控为帝国主义充当间谍。

3.In short, the Nien harassed Shandong in the late Qing dynasty had a great impact on Shandong society of the time.总之,晚清时期捻军入鲁对当时的山东社会产生了较大影响。

4.Shandong local officials, including provincial officials and grass-roots officials had defense against the harass of the Nien.山东地方官员,包括省级官员和基层官员对捻军窜扰都有防御。

5.Shandong local community undergone a change after the Nien was to be put down.山东地方社会在平定捻军后经历着一场变革。

6.The Nien had harassed Shandong province several times on large - scale and the local people suffered from the war.捻军曾数次大规模窜扰山东,捻军所到之处,地方社会饱受战乱之苦。

7.Miss Nien always has the best interests of her students at heart.粘老师总是处处为她学生的利益为着想。

8.for new issues: foaming, calcium phosphate scale, micro-Nien mud and health issues were also raised approach.对于新问题:起泡,磷酸钙垢,微生物粘泥以及卫生问题也分别提出了处理方法。

9.Chapter four primarily discusses the attitude and behavior of Shandong ordinary people on the Nien when they moved in Shang dong.第四章主要是探讨捻军在山东活动时,山东普通民众对捻军的态度和行为。

10.The arrested reporters work for two newspapers, Thanh Nien and Tuoi Tre, that were especially fearless in exposing official corruption.这两名被捕的记者分别供职于ThanhNien和TuoiTre,这两家媒体在披露官员腐败时尤其大胆。