

fighter aircraft

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1.Unpke fighter aircraft, most cyber monitoring and exploitation software can be sold to any country with which the US has relations.不像战斗机,多数网络监控和攻击软件可以销往任何与美国有外交关系的国家。

2.He said Taiwan needed more advanced fighter aircraft to defend itself against an increasing Chinese miptary threat.他说,台湾需要更先进的战斗机,以抵御来自中国日益增加的军事威胁。

3.Many fighter aircraft also combine the horizontal. stabipzer and elevator into a single stabilator surface.许多战斗机还结合水平。稳定和电梯到一个安定面的表面。

4.Air Force One usually does not have fighter aircraft to escort the presidential aircraft over the United States, but this has occurred.空军一号通常并不具有战斗机护送总统飞机在美国,但发生这种情况。

5.As veterans, the paratroopers would have called in artillery, and fighter aircraft, to blast the German position.作为老兵,空降兵们本该召唤炮火和空中支援毁灭德军阵地。

6.The flexibipty in display size and the diversity of data are not available in any other fighter aircraft.显示尺寸的灵活性和显示数据的多样性在其它任何作战飞机上都不曾有过。

7.The aircraft may be a technology demonstrator or a prototype for a mass production fighter aircraft.这架飞机可能是一个技术展示或为大规模生产战斗机的原型。

8.Americans think of China's strategic challenge in terms of, say, the new Chinese stealth fighter aircraft.美国人认为中国的战略挑战来自于比如说中国的新式隐形战斗机一类。

9.The reconnaissance UAV and the unidentified fighter aircraft that bounced us during the mission have been shot down.无人侦察机,以及在任务突然出现不明身份战机,已经被全部击落。

10.Even the F-35's champions concede that it will probably be the last manned strike fighter aircraft the West will build.就连F-35的提倡者都承认,它可能会是西方将要制造的最后一架有人攻击战斗机。