




1.我的书 its 它的 my book 我的书, 2. her hat 她的帽子3.指示代词 ...

2.我的出版书籍.. 下午的时间,小米麻糬 舍不得离开…

3.笔记书托罗拉手机用户的温馨与快乐:随刊赠送50万份礼品“笔记书”(My Book)、羽·泉摩托罗拉俱乐部歌迷会、CBA明星见面会、 …

4.我的著作 ... 电视录影/ TV show 我的著作 My book 我的工作 Maggie's job ...

5.我的图文日记书 FOR ME NEWS 留言给我 MY BOOK 我的图文日记书 TAIWAN LIFE PHOTO…

6.我亦已用 book) 系列最夹,但要记住买绿色盒包装的.而我亦已用 (my book) 系列的 640 gb,完全没有问题.

7.我的书籍按钮界为主题 内容:我的个人资料(about me) 我喜欢的文学作品my book) 我喜欢的音乐(my music) 我的影集(my phot…


1.I put my book down, and thought, it was such a large park, if Mother looked for her son here, how many worried paces had she taken?我放下书,想,这么大一座园子,要在其中找到她的儿子,母亲走过了多少焦灼的路。

2.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales .他看上去好象刚从我的童话故事书中走出来。

3.There seems to be no accounting for railway eccentricity, thought I as I once more returned to my book.铁路上的反常似乎也不是什么奇事,我一面这样想着一面还是看我的书。

4.I shrugged, turned away, picked up my book, and went to bed, having absorbed another lesson about different cultures.我耸了耸肩,转过身,拿起书回去睡觉,心想自己又学到了一项文化差异的经验。

5.In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book and be able to put more money down.再过两三个月,我这本书就能得到预付稿酬了,那时就能拿出更多的一笔头期款了。

6.A few months ago, I found myself sitting next to a senior EU official who turned out to have read my book.几个月前的一次午餐聚会上,我发现身边一位欧盟高级官员曾读过我的书。

7.Even happy to hear where each of a legend, and the shedding of my book in the form of tears.甚至,快乐的去听那里的每一个传说,而且拙作的掉几滴形式泪水。

8.Well, this kid said he wanted to confirm with me some impressions about love which he had gotten from my book.这个孩子在信里说,他想确认一下他从我的书中得到的一些关于爱情的印象。

9.The next day I put my book in Hongbing's bag and told him to give it to me before class.第二天,我把书给红兵,装在他的书包里,上课时再给我。

10.Seeing my method worked, he took a leaf out of my book and acted in the same way.他见我的方法有效,就依样画葫芦,也这样做了。