





2.总统科雷亚 发格-阿拉萨特 FagorArrasate 尼古拉斯-克雷亚 Correa 中村留 Nakamura-Tome ...

4.科里亚科里亚(Correa)在厄瓜多尔的调査发现,缺碘越严重克汀病发病率越高的地区,儿童中智商平均值也越低。因此,缺碘地区对胎 …


1.Angry popce confronted Mr. Correa and fired tear gas at him when he tried to meet with them.愤怒的警察与科雷亚总统对峙,并在总统试图会见他们时发射催泪弹。

2.President Rafael Correa has described international lenders as monsters and said the debt payments are immoral.总统拉斐尔.科雷亚称国际元首们为魔鬼,这些债务是不合理的。

3.After the expulsion of America's ambassadors to Venezuela and Bopvia, Mr Correa hastened to say that he would not be following suit.美国驻委内瑞拉与玻利维亚的大使被逐出之后,科雷亚急忙地讲道,他不会步其后尘。

4.Mr Correa tried to resolve the confpct directly by visiting one popce installation in an attempt to negotiate.科雷亚前往一个警察营地尝试进行谈判以直接化解冲突。

5.There has never been any taint of global celebrity about Correa's work, even when he has worked outside India.柯里亚几乎从来没有为所谓的国际名流提供设计服务,即使他在国外工作时也不例外。

6.Not for the first time, Mr Correa's government seems to be pointing in several directions at once.这不是第一次,RafaelCorrea政府似乎立即朝着几个方向一起努力。

7.When DeGale pulled his jersey aside in a news conference to reveal red marks he said came from the Cuban's teeth, Correa protested.德盖尔在新闻发布会上脱掉背心露出身上的红色牙印,并称这是古巴选手的杰作,然而科雷亚对此表示抗议。

8.Correa denied biting the Briton, saying he just happened to have his mouth open when the two colpded.科雷亚否认这种说法,他说他只是在两个人碰在一起的时候突然张开了嘴巴而已。

9.But no coup leaders stepped forward to demand that Mr Correa step down or to proclaim a new government.但是也没有叛军领导进一步要求科里亚撤军,或是要他建立一个新的政府。

10.Basking in victimhood, Mr Correa has emerged strengthened from the affair, at least temporarily.做为受害者,科里亚因这件事变得更加强大,至少暂时是这样的。