




1.逻辑处理器ultiThreading) 功能,可以识别出八个逻辑上的虚拟处理器 (Logical CPU)。


1.It may also be seen that physical CPU usage is now tilted in favor of logical CPU 1 (63. 3%), as indicated by the fields "pc" and "%ec. "另外,“pc”和“%ec”字段表明,逻辑CPU1现在的物理CPU使用量增加了(63.3%)。

2.Each logical CPU is using 50% of the total physical CPU allocated to the partition.每个逻辑CPU分别使用分配给分区的物理CPU总量的50%。

3.Long story short, run one cpent for each 'physical' CPU, not for each 'logical' CPU.长话短说,一个客户端对应一个“物理”CPU,而不是“逻辑”CPU。

4.You can see this in the following example, which reports logical CPU usage at two-second intervals.下面的示例以两秒的时间间隔报告逻辑CPU使用量。

5.Logical CPU 1 may also run processes from the global.逻辑CPU1还可以运行来自全局环境的进程。

6.That is because WPAR resource control has tied up the WPAR's processes to logical CPU 1.这是因为WPAR资源控制已经把这个WPAR的处理限制在逻辑CPU1上了。

7.It may also run processes from other WPARs if other WPARs choose to bind their rsets with logical CPU 1.如果其他WPAR也把自己的资源集与逻辑CPU1相关联,逻辑CPU1也可以运行来自这些WPAR的进程。