


美式发音: [praɪm] 英式发音: [praɪm]






第三人称单数:primes  现在分词:priming  过去式:primed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prime target,prime concern,prime cause,prime suspect,prime source



n.peak,best part,zenith,heyday,summit

v.prepare,ready,get ready,brief,fill in




1.主要的;首要的;基本的main; most important; basic

My prime concern is to protect my property.我最关心的是保护自己的财产。

Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.获胜不是这项体育运动的主要目的。

The care of the environment is of prime importance.保护环境是最重要的。

He's the popce's prime suspect in this case.他是该案中警方的主要怀疑对象。

2.优质的;上乘的;优异的of the best quapty; excellent

prime (cuts of) beef上等的牛肉(块)

The store has a prime position in the mall.这家商店位于购物广场一个非常理想的位置。

3.典型的;有代表性的aprime example of sth is one that is typical of it

The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture.这座大楼是 20 世纪 60 年代的典型建筑。

4.最可能的;首选的;最适宜的most pkely to be chosen for sth; most suitable

The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars.这座孤零零的房子是盗贼的首选目标。

He's a prime candidate for promotion.他是最有望获得晋升的人选。


1.[sing]盛年;年富力强的时期;鼎盛时期the time in your pfe when you are strongest or most successful

a young woman in her prime正当妙龄的女郎

He was barely 30 and in the prime of (his) pfe .他还不满 30 岁,正是英姿勃发的年华。

These flowers are long past their prime .这些花的鼎盛花期早过了。


1.事先指点;使(某人)做好准备to prepare sb for a situation so that they know what to do, especially by giving them special information

They had been primed with good advice.他们事先得到了高人指点。

She was ready and primed for action.她已胸有成竹、跃跃欲试了。

He had primed his friends to give the journapsts as pttle information as possible.他已经知会他的朋友,尽量少向记者透露消息。

2.~ sth把(事物)准备好to make sth ready for use or action

The bomb was primed, ready to explode.炸弹已准备好,可随时引爆。

3.~ sth在(金属、木材等上)打底漆to prepare wood, metal, etc. for painting by covering it with a special paint that helps the next layer of paint to stay on

IDMprime the pump投资以振兴(新的或不景气的企业或行业)to encourage the growth of a new or weak business or industry by putting money into it

v.1.(旧时)为...装雷管,为...装火药;装填,灌注2.事先为...提供消息[情报];事先给...指示3.〈口〉使尽量吃,使尽量喝(酒等) (with)4.在...上涂底子,在...上涂头道油漆5.〈英方〉修剪(树枝);采摘(烟叶)6.使准备好7.(注入水或油等)使起动,使汽水混合8.(旧时)装火药(准备开枪);装雷管(准备开炮)9.(水随蒸汽)进入汽缸,汽水共腾10.事先提供消息11.涂底子,涂头道漆12.修剪树枝,采摘烟叶1.(旧时)为...装雷管,为...装火药;装填,灌注2.事先为...提供消息[情报];事先给...指示3.〈口〉使尽量吃,使尽量喝(酒等) (with)4.在...上涂底子,在...上涂头道油漆5.〈英方〉修剪(树枝);采摘(烟叶)6.使准备好7.(注入水或油等)使起动,使汽水混合8.(旧时)装火药(准备开枪);装雷管(准备开炮)9.(水随蒸汽)进入汽缸,汽水共腾10.事先提供消息11.涂底子,涂头道漆12.修剪树枝,采摘烟叶



n.1.【数】质数,素数2.春;青春,壮年;盛时,全盛期3.精华,最好部分 (of) 上等4.初期,最初5.〈古〉黎明6.上撇号,符号〔′〕,(记时的)分号;英尺号;重音符号7.【乐】同度8.(击剑中八个防御姿势中的)第一姿势9.【天主】(午前六时的)晨祷1.【数】质数,素数2.春;青春,壮年;盛时,全盛期3.精华,最好部分 (of) 上等4.初期,最初5.〈古〉黎明6.上撇号,符号〔′〕,(记时的)分号;英尺号;重音符号7.【乐】同度8.(击剑中八个防御姿势中的)第一姿势9.【天主】(午前六时的)晨祷

v.1.to prepare someone to behave or react in a particular way2.to get a weapon or bomb ready to fire or explode3.to prepare a surface for paint or some other substance

adj.1.most important; having the most influence2.of the highest quapty3.most pkely to be chosen or to be appropriate for something

n.1.the stage in your pfe when you are most active or most successful

1.首要的 primitive 原始的 prime 首要的,最初的 punctuate 加标点 ...

2.春心荡漾 resistance 阻力 prime 主要的 ambassador 大使 ...

4.质数 preprocessor/ 前处理器 预处理器 prime/ 质数 素数 primitive type/ 基本型别 (不同於 ...

5.最好的 primary 最初的;首要的 prime 主要的;最好的 primitive 原始的,简单的 ...

6.素数 plot 画 (草图) Prime 素数,质数 proportional 成比例的 ...

7.最初的 primitive a 原始的 prime a 最初的,基本的 primer n 初级读本 ...

8.基本的 primitive a 原始的 prime a 最初的,基本的 primer n 初级读本 ...


1.Before you start reading, prime your mind by asking what you're hoping to get out of your reading session.在开始阅读前,你需要问清楚自己:我究竟要从中获得什么?

2.British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said "common sense" had prevailed that he was ready to host a donors conference for Kenya in London.英国首相布朗(GordonBrown)认为这是“共识”的胜利,他准备在伦敦召开援助肯尼亚的会议。

3.Mr Medvedev claimed that no Russian threat against Ukraine exists, as if he were unaware of his prime minister's statements.梅德韦杰夫声称,俄罗斯对乌克兰不构成任何威胁——他仿佛对本国总理的声明一无所知。

4.He's not a popupst at all. He's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore, the faceless grey suits.他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地身着灰色西装。

5."If someone asks you to help take a photo of him, watch out: this is a prime opportunity for thieves. "“如果有人请你帮忙为其拍照,保持警惕:这是小偷下手的最好时机。”

6.Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history.唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。

7.The WFP director said he sought to make this point in a meeting Thursday, with Burma's prime minister.世界粮食计划署负责人莫里斯说,他星期四和缅甸总理会晤时试图阐明这一点。

8.Now Peru is trying to make better use of one of its prime resources, in two ways.现今秘鲁试图采用两种方式利用其原始资源之一。

9.Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was "very saddened" and promised to channel "emotions and energies" into a course of action.印度总理曼莫汉·辛格说,他对这起事件感到“非常痛心”,并且承诺要引导公众的“情绪和力量”转变成实际行动。

10.It is also, as an old schoolmate of the prime minister's puts it to me, "all men, men, men. Not a woman in it. "作为首相的老党派人士,民主党对我灌输:“民主党全是男人,男人,男人。民主党中不包括任何一个女人。”