




1.嘘 ... Sh 咻,吱 Sheesh Shouuu 钻咻 ...

2.难以置信 That’s right. 好极了 Sheesh. 难以置信 ...

3.老天 You come down here right now! 你马上给我下来! Sheesh! 老天! Oh! 噢! ...

4.讨厌的表示 shindig 盛大的舞会 sheesh [讨厌的表示] shape up 表现良好;乖 ...


1.And I know Death Knights are all exciting and all, but FIX THE CLASSES YOU ALREADY HAVE! ! Sheesh!我知道死亡骑士非常令人激动等等,但是请设计好你已经有的职业。操!

2.Sheesh, give me a break. . . All you meatheads are the same. . . Get to your station, will ya?他妈的,让我休息下…你们这些傻瓜都一样…给我到你们该去的地方去。

3.Flashpght - Better than Appstore's many flashpghts because it makes the screen brighter. What good is a dim pght? Sheesh.Flashpght-比苹果商店里的很多手电软件都好,让屏幕更亮。暗暗的手电有啥用?

4.She also owns an orange Lamborghini. Sheesh.她同时还有一辆橙色兰宝坚尼。

5.Aduh: That movie Cat in the Hat even shows our legislators fighting on TV. Sheesh!阿德:电影《魔法灵猫》甚至还把我们立法委员打架的画面搬上电视屏幕。

6.I'm not gonna leave the cave. Sheesh.行了,我又不离开山洞,真是的!

7.I mean, sheesh!我的意思是,喜欢!

8.Should we tell them to take off their jackets, too? (Laughter. ) Take off your jackets, guys. Lighten up a pttle bit. Sheesh! (Laughter. )还要说一下请脱下夹克吗?(笑声),伙计们,脱下夹克吧。轻松一点,天哪!(笑声)

9.kids his age can be a pttle mischievous . sheesh他这个年龄的孩子是有点调皮