





3.韩臣 HARTING- 浩亭 HANSHIN- 韩臣 华章自动化 华惠数控 HUACON- 力控华康 华德 宏 …

4.阪神百货, 住在梅田, 总要享受梅田的好处! 梅田站附近的阪神百货( HanShin)号称地下街美食最丰富, 怎麽可以不去一逛呢? 当然, 从饭 …

5.韩国韩臣主要产品:1、韩国韩臣(hanshin)电磁离合器、电磁制动器、磁粉离合器、磁粉、断电刹车、制动器马达。2、台湾天力齿轮减 …

6.阪神电铁◎ 私营铁道 阪神电铁(Hanshin) ☞ http://www.hanshin.co.jp/阪神的主要路线在大阪与神户之间往返,并可延伸至「姬路」 阪急 …


1.A year to the day later, his home-from-home near Kobe was hit by the magnitude 6. 9 Hanshin earthquake.一年后的一天,他位于神户附近的寓所遇上了6.9级的阪神大地震。

2.Xiao He heard Hanshin left, there was no time to report on Liu Bang Quzhui Hanshin.萧何听说韩信离开了,来不及向刘邦报告就去追韩信。

3.Hyper Rescue Teams were formed in 1996 after the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake and are under the management of the Tokyo Fire Department .6年的阪神淡路地震后组建超级救助队,隶属于东京消防署。

4.The Hanshin expressway, a supposed showcase of modern engineering, also collapsed.被视为现代工程样板的阪神高速路(HanshinExpressway)也坍塌了。

5.We now see that the Hanshin is neither money nor his official capacity, so that he is poverty.我们现在看到,韩信是既没有钱也没有官职,所以可以说他是贫穷。

6.they ' ll also travel to okinawa , where they will meet with executives of the hanshin tigers , lefty kei igawa ' s former team.他们将会去冲绳旅游,他们也将会访问阪神老虎队,这是左投手井川庆的前东家。

7.KOSHIEN ball park is the home ground of HANSHIN TIGERS that pro. baseball team.甲子园球场是职业棒球队「阪神TIGERS」的据点地。

8.Hanshin Freight International (HK) Ltd.阪神国际货运(香港)有限公司

9.That would be 1. 6 times the destruction from the 1995 Hanshin earthquake, which devastated Kobe.这将是1995年阪神大地震(那次地震摧毁了神户市)所造成损失的1.6倍。

10.The Great Hanshin Earthquake killed 6, 400 people.阪神大地震又夺去了6400人的生命。