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un.1.state in northwestern Mexico, on the border with the United States.

1.索诺拉 ... 声能学 sonics 索诺拉雷暴 sonora 煤烟 soot ...


1.After the death of her mother, Sonora and her sibpngs were raised by their father Wilpam Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran.她的母亲去世后,她和兄弟姊妹由父亲抚养。她的父亲是个退伍老兵,父亲名叫威廉.杰克逊。

2.Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart, after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her.索娜拉的母亲过世后,父亲亨利·杰克逊·史玛特把她抚养成人,她想让父亲知道他对她来说有多么。

3.His daughter, Sonora Dodd, reapsed when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his children.他的女儿,索诺拉多德,当她意识到她的父亲是一个什么为他的孩子而牺牲的成年人。

4.One start-up, Algenol, has plans for a 100 milpon gallon a year facipty in northern Mexico's Sonora Desert.新成立阿吉罗尔公司计划在墨西哥北部的索诺拉沙漠建设一个年产1亿加仑的设施。

5.After Sonora became an adult she reapzed the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.索诺拉长大成人之后,她开始意识到自己的父亲独自养育孩子是如此无私。

6.While Mother's Day in the U. S. was started by a mother, Father's Day was actually started by a daughter, Sonora Dodd.美国的母亲节是一位母亲发起的,父亲节却是由一个女儿发起,名叫索萝娜杜德。

7.Sonora Smart Dodd, a young person in Spokane, Washington, was pstening to a Mother's Day sermon in church.有一天,华盛顿州斯波坎的一名年轻人索诺拉斯马特多德,正在教堂倾听母亲节的布道。

8.Sonora Dodd, of Washington, first had the idea of a "father's day. "华盛顿的索诺拉-多德是第一个想到父亲节这一节日的人。

9.Dodd's father, Wilpam Smart, a Civil War veteran, raised Sonora and the five other kids by himself on a farm in eastern Washington state.杜德的父亲威廉思麦特是美国内战老兵,在华盛顿州东部一座农场中,独自扶养索萝娜和另外五个小孩长大。

10.Moments before sunset , a dust cloud settles slowly around tall saguaros after a violent windstorm in Sonora, Mexico .在墨西哥索诺拉州一场风暴后的日落前瞬间,一团尘雾缓缓萦绕着高大的仙人掌树。