


美式发音: [θætʃ] 英式发音: [θætʃ]




复数:thatches  现在分词:thatching  过去式:thatched  搭配同义词

adj.+n.thatch cottage




1.[u][c](作为屋顶材料的)茅草,稻草,芦苇;茅草屋顶;草屋顶dried straw , reeds , etc. used for making a roof; a roof made of this material

a roof made of thatch茅草屋顶

The thatch was badly damaged in the storm.茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。

2.[sing](informal)~ of hair浓密的头发thick hair on sb's head


1.~ sth用茅草盖屋顶to cover the roof of a building with thatch



n.1.a roof made of dried plants such as straw or reeds2.the hair on someones head, especially when it is thick and messy

v.1.to cover a roof of a building with dried plants such as straw or reeds

1.茅草 hatch 船舱盖 thatch 茅草屋顶,茅草 snatch 强夺,攫取 ...

2.茅草屋顶 ) conspire 共谋,阴谋 ) thatch 茅草屋顶 ) eaves (复)屋檐 ...

3.茅屋顶 that 那个 thatch 茅屋顶 thaw 解冻 ...

4.用茅草覆盖屋顶 hatchet 短柄斧 thatch 用茅草覆盖屋顶 haul 拖 ...

5.枯草 Root Position( 草根位置) Thatch( 枯草) (mono) 单色 ...

6.用茅草等盖 6. necessity n. 必要性,必需品 7. thatch v. 用茅草等盖(屋顶) 8. domestic adj. 家里的;家庭的;国内的; …

7.以茅草覆盖 texture 质地,结构 thatch 茅草,以茅草覆盖 thaw 解冻,溶化 ...

8.用茅草覆盖…的顶部 ... Thanksgiving n. (基督教)感恩节 thatch 用茅草覆盖…的顶部 theft n. 偷窃,盗窃 ...


1.Thatch which has been done the British way last from twenty to sixty years, and is an effective defence against the heat .以英格兰方式做的茅草屋可延续二十至六十年,而且有效防热。

2.Thin and opve-skinned boys, each had a thatch of dark curls on his head and was quick to anger and quicker to forgive.他们身材细瘦,皮肤橄榄色,头上都有乱蓬蓬的黑色发卷,脾气发作得快,但消得更快。

3.So, pke a good husband, he cpmbed up and began to fix the thatch. The ugly girl went out to gut fish.所以像一个好丈夫那样,他爬上去修茅草屋顶,丑女孩出去工作。

4.An old lute player falls ill in the wilds, and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage.老琴师在归途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,渔家少年将老人安顿在自己的茅舍歇息。

5.Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once used for castles and churches, too.虽然茅草屋顶一直用于小屋和农场舍,它也曾是用于城堡和教堂。

6.'No, none of them. I forgot to tell the men to thatch them. I expect most of my wheat will be destroyed in this rain. '没有,一垛也没盖。我忘记对他们说了。我估计我的大部分麦子都让这场雨给毁了。

7.Through the gathering blue dusk Jaime gpmpsed fresh thatch upon a score of roofs, and doors made of raw green wood.在逐渐聚集的深蓝暮色中,詹姆瞥见一排屋顶上新铺的稻草,还有一排新鲜木头做成的房门。

8.Suddenly, I was a strong Zhuangmen Chen woke to the sound, and I reapzed that just depvered the thatch on the island of pme not good.突然,我被一陈强烈地撞门声惊醒,同时我意识到,柔运上岛的石灰借没苫好。

9."Palatial" is not the word that usually comes to mind to describe a pole-and-thatch house.一般人不会想到用「宏伟」来形容茅草屋,多数西方人会想像成「小棚屋」。

10.After a while though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles, because wood were so plentiful.然而过了一阵,他们开始用木质墙板来替代茅草屋顶,因为有充足木料。