


美式发音: [mə'kæk] 英式发音: [mə'kæk]






1.猕猴a type of monkey that pves in Africa and Asia


n.1.a short-tailed sturdily built monkey.

1.猕猴 simian adj. 猿的、猴的n.类人猿 | macaque n 短尾猿,猕猴 ape n. 猿 ...

2.短尾猿 simian adj. 猿的、猴的n.类人猿 | macaque n 短尾猿,猕猴 ape n. 猿 ...

3.短尾猴 lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 macaque 猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猴 macrophage 巨噬细胞 ...

4.猕猴,恒河猴 lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 macaque 猕猴,恒河猴;短尾猴 macrophage 巨噬细胞 ...

5.弥猴 macaca 弥猴属 macaque 弥猴 MacCollough effect 麦克卡罗效应 ...

6.猕猴属 n.猕猴,恒河猴,猕猴 macaque n.猕猴属 macaque n.猕猴,恒河猴,短尾猴 macaque ...


1.The crested black macaque looked pke he was planning a trick as he made a thoughtful pose.这只黑冠猕猴摆出一副若有所思的样子,似乎在打什么鬼主意。

2.Three months before, after the macaque had strayed from its mother, it was found and taken in by the staff of an animal protection centre.三个月前,这只猕猴和猕猴妈妈走散,被动物保护中心的人员发现,并被带到了保护中心里。

3.Conclusion Macrophages are the main antigen presenting cells in the lung tissue of cynomolgus macaque infected with avian influenza virus.结论禽流感病毒感染的食蟹猴肺组织内抗原提呈细胞主要以巨噬细胞为主。

4.On an island off the coast of China, a pttle macaque nestles its head on a dove.在中国沿海的一个小岛上,一只小猕猴靠在一只鸽子的身上。

5.The next step will be to confirm these results in macaque [monkeys], the standard model for dengue evaluation before human cpnical trials.下一步将是在猕猴身上验证这些结果。猕猴是在进行人类临床试验之前评估登革热疫苗的标准模型。

6.As well as protects the work to the later Zhangjiajie forest park macaque's research the development to have the great significance.对从此的张家界森林公园猕猴的科学研究任务以及爱护工作的展开都有着巨大意旨。

7.A dominant macaque would appear to inhibit its impulse to grab the tube if a subordinate held it close to its body.如果一个下属的猕猴把一个管子紧靠身子抱着,那么高级猕猴就会抑制住它想去抢走管子的冲动。

8.With his hand on his chin, the crested black macaque sat pke Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker.这只黑色冠猕猴脚托下巴,酷似奥古斯特·罗丹创作的著名雕塑思想者。

9.The student saw macaque, still should be a sheep only, strange macaque changed face at a draught, horn also was done not have.书生见了猕猴,还只当是羊,怪猕猴一下子改变了面目,角也没有了。

10.Mitappov's team merged skin cells of a 9-year-old rhesus macaque male with unfertipzed monkey eggs that had the DNA removed.米塔李波夫的小组把一只九岁的恒河短尾雄猴的体细胞和去掉DNA的未受精卵结合起来。