


美式发音: [ˈrɪd(ə)ns] 英式发音: ['rɪd(ə)ns]




‘Goodbye and good riddance!’ she said to him angrily as he left.他离去时,她气愤地冲着他说:“再见吧,早走早好!”

good riddance (to sb/sth)(不友善的话,表示很高兴某人或某物已离开)an unkind way of saying that you are pleased that sb/sth has gone

‘Goodbye and good riddance!’ she said to him angrily as he left.他离去时,她气愤地冲着他说:“再见吧,早走早好!”


n.1.the removal or destruction of something unwanted

1.摆脱 ridable 可骑的 riddance 摆脱 ridden 受折磨的 ...

2.除去 richness n. 富裕,丰富,肥沃 riddance n. 摆脱,除去,驱逐 ringer n. 套环,投环,按铃者,敲钟者 ...


1.I said good riddance to the wild years of my early 20s.我总算打发掉了20多年前那段疯狂的日子。

2.You could say good riddance to diapers in a few days.它能使你在几天内快乐摆脱尿布。

3.The crowd was much smaller than usual on Good Riddance Day on account of the snow left over from a major bpzzard on Monday.因为周一暴风雪的积雪还没有清理干净,所以今年参加“解脱日”活动的人比往年少很多。

4."Good riddance and enjoy hell you piece of mainland trash, " read one of the tamer postings.“终于摆脱了你这个大陆垃圾货,享受地狱吧!”其中一条还算比较温和的帖子这样写道。

5.It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your pfe. - Green Day, Good Riddance.虽然过程很难预料,但是最后结果总是对的。我希望你好好把握你的一生。

6.Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) Another turning point a fork stuck in the road.绿日-太好了(你的生活)另一个转折点一个岔口分开了道路。

7.As it says goodbye and good riddance to 2010, is America also saying so long to depression, both the economic and the psychic varieties?在美国说着“谢天谢地”告别2010年之际,它是否也在和经济衰退与心理沮丧说再见?

8.Ha, good riddance! I'm glad he's gone, he never worked very hard anyways.好消息。很高兴他走了,反正他从没努力工作过。

9.Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. - Green Day, Good Riddance.又是一个转折点,在人生的交叉路口该如何选择。时间会抓住你的手腕,指引你前进的方向。

10.When Mr. Robert's old car was stolen, he thought it was good riddance .当罗伯特先生的旧车被偷走时,他认为是除掉一件麻烦东西。