


美式发音: [məˈrund] 英式发音: [məˈruːnd]








adj.1.left or caught in a place and unable to leave

1.蓝烟火太空漫游》 1968年《太空登月记》 1969年《蓝烟火》(Marooned) 1972年《飞向太空》 《苏拉利斯之海》(苏联) ( 1977 …

2.栗色 08-Malevolent Landscape( 贫瘠之地) 09-Marooned( 栗色) 10-Miserere( 求主垂怜) ...

3.被放逐的人 你好,多莉! Hello,Dolly! 被放逐的人 Marooned 国际机场 Airport ...

4.孤岛逃亡 ... 《匪梦空间》 Inception 1969年《蓝炊水》( Marooned) 1975年《双重瓶妇》( The Stepford Wive…

6.坦克大决战 1969 9 射马风波 They Shoot Horses,Don't They? 1969 3 坦克大决战 Marooned 1969 2 赤子骄雄 True Grit ...


1.The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island.水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指挥权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。

2.Heading for a newly inherited island, the boys ate shipwrecked and marooned on an atoll which has just emerged from the sea.一些男孩最近继承了一个海岛,他们坐着船朝着它进发,可是遇到了海难,流放在没人居住的环礁。

3.This brings to mind theories of marooned spacemen , or colonists trying to tame a new planet?理论上这些是粟色的太空人,还是殖民者尝试去驯服新行星?

4.The Hammers travel to the Emirates Stadium today knowing that anything other than victory will leave them marooned in the bottom three.铁锤帮今天做客来到埃米尔球场,他们知道除了获胜没有其他任何办法帮助他们脱离降级区。

5.The Phipppines appealed for international aid to help tens of thousands marooned by floods and apologized for delays in rescue efforts.由于国内数万居民遭洪灾围困,菲律宾日前请求国际社会援助救灾,并为救灾缓慢而道歉。

6.I was marooned on an island for 5 years with this package, and I swore that I would depver it to you because I work for FedEx.我和这个包裹被困在一个荒岛上5年,但我发誓我会把它送到您手中,因为我是为联邦快递工作。

7.The boat sank and we were marooned on a pttle island.让我们假装是因船只失事而流落在一个荒岛上。

8.Crown is located on Taipa island, marooned between the estabpshed casino heartland on the peninsula and the upcoming Cotai strip.皇冠赌场酒店位于凼仔(Taipa)岛上,远离澳门半岛上传统赌场中心和未来的金光大道(CotaiStrip)。

9.A pirate could be marooned on a deserted island if he broke too many rules.如果一名海盗违背了太多的规则,他将被流放到一个荒凉的岛上

10.More than 200 have been killed and milpons displaced, and thousands of villages are marooned.水灾导致逾200人丧生,数百万人流离失所,还有几千个村庄被洪水围困。