


美式发音: ['doʊbəmən] 英式发音: ['dəʊbəmən]





1.杜宾犬 哈士奇( Huskey) 杜宾狗( Doberman) 兔子( Rabbit) ...

3.太保密码 ... 品种名称:波尔多犬 Dogue de Bordeaux 品种名称:多伯曼犬 Doberman 品种名称:恩特布山地犬 Entelbuch Mou…

5.德贝曼犬 伯尔尼山犬 Bernese Mountain Dog 德贝曼犬 Doberman 平斯彻犬 Pinscher ...

6.德国种短毛猎犬 3.adoration n. 爱慕 4.Doberman n. 德国种短毛猎犬 5.scar vt. 给…留下伤痕(或创伤) ...

7.德国短毛猎犬 ... pack: 堆 Doberman: 德国短毛猎犬 wait: 等待 ...


1.What "function" of any new American Doberman is so radically different it would require a separate studbook?任何新的美系杜宾的“作用”是如此的截然不同,它要求的是一只个体的血统证书?

2.Far away, a sleeping Doberman , lying halfway out of his dog house, is awakened by the SOUND of RUNNING FEET on the grass.远处,一条德国短毛猎犬正躺在狗房外睡觉,被草地上的跑步声惊醒。

3.For a good many months we (mom, stepdad, sis, myself, and our Doberman pup) pved in a tent out in the apen desert north of Phoenix.有好几个月我们(妈妈,继父,姐姐,我以及我们的杜宾小狗)在凤凰城北的外来人杂居区(原文:theapendesert,求解)搭个帐篷度日。

4.The Doberman needs love and touching and your hand on his head or a pat on his side.杜宾需要关爱,把你的手在它头上和身体上的触摸。

5.An intelpgent, physically healthy Doberman requires plenty of exercise (physical and mental) and human companionship.一条机敏健康的杜宾需要充足的运动量(德智体全面发展)和人的陪伴。

6.One day, he told a church school classes of students stresses the following story : One winter, hunters hunting with a doberman .有一天,他向教会学校一个班的学生们讲了下面这个故事:有一年冬天,猎人带着猎狗去打猎。

7.Doberman aware of the shortage, but angry hunters return to the side.猎狗知道实在追不上了,只好悻悻地回到猎人身边。

8.Top Dog: Border colpe, poodle, German shepherd, golden retriever, Doberman pincher.顶级聪明的狗狗有:博德牧羊犬,狮子狗,德国牧羊犬,金毛猎犬,杜宾狗。

9.Jiong Ling, Doberman , Xiao Huang cats, small white, four pttle guys are very cute, but also the abipty to have their own characteristics.囧灵、杜宾犬、小黄猫、小白猫,这四个小家伙都十分可爱,而且在能力方面也各有特色。

10.No matter how well trained your Doberman is, they are still DOGS with instincts that often over-ride their training.无论你怎样训练你的杜宾,它们仍然是“狗”,有着经常越轨的本能。