


美式发音: [məˈleɪə] 英式发音: [məˈleiə]





un.1.former state in the Malay Peninsula. It was incorporated into the Federation of Malaysia in 1963.

1.马来亚其次是亚马逊黑土第二代(Amazonia II),马来亚黑土Malaya)排名第三,而营养含量最低的是非洲黑土(Africana)。

6.英属马来亚那(INDOCHINE FRANCAISE)硬币;英属马来亚(MALAYA)硬币;1826-1853年英国东印度公司(EAST INDIA COMPANY)管 …

7.马来亚港口马来亚港口 (Malaya)- 治疗/恢复类 - 消耗类 - 魔物蛋 - 可爱宠物装备 - 认养宠物之物品 - 延迟消耗类 - 租赁物品 - 其他类


1.Indians were sent out to become contract laborers on Malaya's rubber plantations, or to work as indentured serv-ants in the West Indies.印度人作为合同劳工被派遣到马来半岛的橡胶种植园,或者到西印度群岛做契约佣工。

2.Come to think of it, my relationship with her is not as intimate as my relationship with Malaya. But she is constantly in my mind!说起我和她的关系,还比不上马来亚这样密切,可是我时时刻刻都在怀念着她!

3.Geography consisted of a map of the main rivers of Malaya and five questions to be answered in three or four sentences each.地理试题包括画一张马来亚主要河流地图,五条问题,每题用三四句去答。

4.Since driving was his original occupation, his rationale for this sudden change of mind was it would still be a driving job in Malaya.驾驶是他本来的职业,他的意思是到马来亚,也不外乎是驾驶。

5.From the late 18th century it began to build power in Malaya and acquired the CAPE of Good Hope, Ceylon, and Malta.18世纪末期开始在马来亚建立势力,并夺取好望角、锡兰和马尔他。

6.Five states were to comprise the Federation of Malaysia. Four of them were Malaya , Brunei, Sarawak and Singapore. Which was the fifth?五个州组成马来西亚联邦。其中四个是马来亚、文莱、砂劳越和新加坡。第五个是谁?

7.Insurgencies take many years to defeat, they say, pointing to the British experience in Malaya.他们指出英国在马来半岛的经历说,叛乱需要数年才能消灭。

8.Why was it necessary to hold a referendum in 1962 over the issue of merger with Malaya ?为什么1962年举行关于与马来亚合并课题的公民投票是必需的?

9.British Malaya is a plural society. Malay and Chinese are the two most populous nations in this society.英属马来亚是一个多元民族社会,其中马来人、华人是人口最多的两个民族。

10.The raids, Chennault insisted, would forestall Japanese expansion into Malaya , Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, and the Phipppines.陈纳德强调说,此次行动将阻止日军进入马来亚,新加坡,荷属东印度群岛和菲律宾群岛。