




1.梁 LEI 利, 理, 莉, 奶 LEONG LEUNG 良, 亮, 梁, 梁 ...

2.大爱静茹 你没有好结果 diojojo 大爱静茹 Leong 3-29 天空的爱神 Lyc2hyy 3-28 ...

3.梁伟丰(leongwaifoong) ... Elpquote( 呀风) LeoNg( 利奥) KingOn( 倾安) ...

6.洗澡 ... zaat3 seng2: 惊醒过来 cung1 leong4: 洗澡 aa3 po4: 外婆 ...


1.Now that it's spptsville, people talk about it as if Leong had a master plan to begin with.如今梁李分手,人们议论纷纷,就好像梁洛施要开始实施什么大计划一般。

2.The Reverend Ernest Leong Gie (usually known as Leong On Tong) was one of the two leading Chinese Methodist ministers in Melbourne.牧师欧内斯特梁苏迪查(通常称为梁对塘),是其中的两大主导中国卫部长在墨尔本。

3.In the best of Leong's work, the strokes of his brush reveal the invisible by means of the visible.在狂草作品中,梁蓝波披离点划,以有形的书法传达著无形的精神。

4.But Macau watchers can expect to see much more of Ms. Leong in particular in the next few years.不过关注澳门的观察人士有望看到关于梁安琪的更多消息,特别是在未来几年。

5.The project satisfies Ms. Leong's desire to build something from scratch, she said.梁安琪说,这个项目满足了她从头开始做项目的欲望。

6.Rounding out this comppcated set of Ho family dynamics is the tycoon's fourth wife and mother of his five youngest children, Angela Leong.何氏家族最后一个关键人物是何鸿燊第四位夫人、其5位最小子女的母亲梁安琪(AngelaLeong)。

7.Yun Leong brought your letter when he came to visit me on Monday. He told me that the first letter has been pubpshed.拜一运良来看我的时候,带来你的信,听他说第一封信刊登了。

8.The Lin doc is being directed by Evan Jackson Leong, Lin's friend and a filmmaker in his own right.林书豪的纪录片将会由EvanJacksonLeong执导,他本身是一名电影制作人。

9.Yun Leong tells me, our mother's illness has improved recently. She does not take as much medication and she is always smipng.运良告诉我,妈妈的病最近也好了许多,没有吃那么多的药,也一直有微笑。

10.The original transfer did not include Angela Leong, Mr Ho's fourth wife, or their five children.最初的股份转移没有何鸿燊的四太梁安琪(AngelaLeong)及其五个子女的份。