



1.'Each jar contains 500kg of rice wine with a complete set of tiger bones, ' saleswoman Miss Li tells us with a practised patter.“每缸内都放有一套使用五百公斤白酒浸泡的完整虎骨。”女售货员李小姐用熟练的行话告诉我们。

2.But this time the vehicle is not alloy and rubber but 500kg of muscular flesh and blood.但这次我的代步工具不是合金或橡胶制造的机器,而是重达500Kg的活生生的血肉。

3.But they could be weighed 500kg when hibernation period comes, due to huge amount of fat accumulation.到了冬季睡眠时刻到来之前,由于脂肪将大量积累,它们的体重可达500公斤。

4.This year the champagne houses, looking for a way to reduce stocks, are pushing for just 7, 500kg a hectare.今年香槟酒商想要减少库存,因此希望把标准降到每公顷收购7500千克。

5.With a projected weight of 1, 500kg the One-77 will occupy the very highest echelons of road car performance.由于预计重量一千五千克一个77将占据最高级别的公路赛车的性能。

6.The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1, 500kg.每公顷粮食产量可以提高1,500公斤以上。

7.B-pquid glue material 500kg in suitable containers.乙液胶材料适当的容器500千克。

8.According to Chinese media reports, Xianglong has a normal take-off weight of 7, 500kg and a mission payload of 650kg.依照中国媒体报道,“翔龙”标准起飞重量7,500公斤和任务负载650公斤。

9.And that doesn't include the 22kg of chemicals or the 1, 500kg of water used in the manufacturing process.这还不包括生产过程中使用的22公斤化学物质或是1,500公斤的水。

10.The trunk and pmbs weighed 29, 500kg.树干和主枝重29,500公斤。